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It's strange how I speak the partial truth whilst re living everything in my mind.

"I felt like a part of me died, my soul seemed to have dissapeared" The therapist hums and writes some notes down "To the devil, you said he seemed infatuated with you, who is the devil. An old lover?" My heart skips, I must've been in my head too much I ended up slipping "Yes, an old lover. I came to the realisation that my "love" for him was just purely an obsession, though he didn't treat me well".

He looks like he's sorry for me "Would you care to explain how he didn't treat you well" I play with my thumbs but stop "He planned and tried to kill me, he did love me in the beginning but I also believe now he was also obsessed with me. If he couldn't have me then no one could, because to him I was extraordinary, unique...powerful, and not to mention my obvious beauty".

His mouth dropped from the moment I mentioned the whole planning and trying to kill me, he stutters then gathers himself together "Did you report it to the police?" I lightly chuckle "I didn't because this was between him and I. As I'm sure you can see I'm still here, he failed and I won. I can be a nightmare if you mess with me, I can ruin you and make you run pleading for your life. The word life I mention is a metaphor for safety".

A lie, I meant life. I've done exactly what I've said and admittedly I'm proud I scared the devil himself, enough for him to stay away from me. He's gone for now though, he'll come back. Seeing that little, well not so little girl trap him in his own nightmares was quite impressive. My heart filled with joy when most of Arthur's brothers die, their death was brutal.

Aswell whatever her name is mother's death, seeing Lucifer rip her head off like he promised did honestly made me feel a tad sorry for her but it quickly dissapeared when I saw how powerful she is. Though I'm more powerful than her I was jealous, an emotion I hate more than anything. She is an Amulet after all.

I'm tired though, I've gotten bored of this world and these people, so tedious. No longer wanting to talk I turn the time and he gives me another date for the session. Walking out of the building I decide to go to a pub, I need a drink after that memory. It was extremely painful.

"Two Jäger bombs and a double Southern Comfort and Lemode please" I tap the bar trying to get out of my thoughts. As my drinks arrive someone or may I say something sat next to me on the bar stool "Hello Mordecai" I slide one Bomb to him without looking "Regina" I sigh and take a sip of my drink "How is your dreadful immortal life?" He chuckles.

"So far so well. I have a toy-" I interrupt "No you have a love...so sweet, let me guess her name's Luna Dubois and she's a Sirennian" He's silent "I'm not surprised that you know. You are the infamous Regina Beaumont, the strongest Whitch there has ever lived" I stir my drink with a straw.

"You have nothing to worry about, I have no vendetta with you or her" He slams the shot glass on the bar "I appreciate that" I slightly smile "You know you are the first acquaintance who has never irritated me. Me being the nice person that I am, if you or your lover need anything you both can call me" I glance at him, my eyes showing the truth.

"What happened to being the wicked Whitch that you are? You've gone soft Regina" I raise a brow "And that's a problem?" I couldn't help but burst out laughing "Oh I got you there. I meant if you or your lover need someone dead or cursed then I'll be more than happy to help" He laughs aswell.

"You actually did" I call over the bar tender and order another bomb. I give it to Mordecai "This time we need to hold eye contact or else it's ten years of bad sex" We lock eyes and take our shot "Now that was an evil act of yours" I shrug "At least you'll give your love the best ride of her life" I wink at him.

He slyly smiles "Now that was a funny night" I nod in agreement as I take a sip "It was indeed, our intention was to fuck all night but instead we set fire to an elderly home. The most random thing we've ever done" We chat for a few more minutes "Ok go, feast on her nightmares and give her a dream, or maybe mess with her a bit more. I'd pick the latter".

Mordecai laughs "I've decided to give her a treat today for being so good for the past few nights of torture" As he leaves I shout "If you like it then you should've put a ring on it!" He exits the bar laughing and walks into the night. I glance down at my sixth drink in deep thought.

'Why do I have to be a sociopath? I'm curious about love, what does it feel like?...I'm destined to be alone'.

But I'm ok with that and as they say, curiosity killed the cat, though I can't die. The sound of a glass being placed in front of me makes me glance up and I see an attractive man giving me a seductive smile "I thought I'd buy a drink for the beautiful lady who's surprisingly alone" Tilting my head to the side I say "Wanna fuck?" His eyes widen and glances at the drink.

"Yes" Since the pub is practically empty his friend allows his leave for the night knowing that his friend is going to "Destroy that pussy" Those were his words. He drives to my place and he eagerly runs upstairs dragging me along with him.

In the bedroom I'm in my lingerie and he's restrained to my bed. The lights are dim in my room so he can only just see me "You've been a bad boy Troy" I take out my special whip. What's special about it? You may ask.

From the quarter of the whip to the end it's sharp, extremely sharp. I whip it in the air giving a crack but also tinkling sound from the sharp metal in the air, he jumps and nervously laughs "So I'm not really used to this" I darkly chuckle "This won't be long, I promise".

A lie.

I walk into his view and his erection is fully standing up, twitching with excitement "Tell me" I speak seductively "Do you enjoy spiking girls and then raping them?" The erection dissapeares and his face pales "That's a disgusting accusation!" I can't help it, it's too tempting. I whip him and the sharp metal cuts deep into his skin, it has tiny hooks so when I pull the skin rips "Do you know how I found out?".

He frantically shakes his head from side to side "The drink you gave me. I have the nose of a bloodhound and eyes as sharp as cat. By the time you gave it to me I saw the last part of the drug fizz out and I've drank plenty of different types of alcohol and it did not smell like it" He starts to cry "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I laugh maniacally.

"You're not sorry to the women you took advantage of. You don't regret your actions you regret that you got caught!" I whip him repeatedly, with my never ending grin knowing that he'll never hurt a girl ever again. Throwing the whip to the side I whistle, calling out to my Shadows. Their ghostly whispers fill the room and I see each form.

"My dears, I present to you a gift" I gesture to the pathetic worm "Please take your time and also, take out the trash when you're done" The whispers are excited, then they pounce. Walking out of my room I smile, hearing the screams and pleadings which sadly doesn't last for long. As I walk to the bathroom, loving the look of blood on my body.

I gently caress the streaks of blood on my face but it's no longer my face.


The crimson red eyes stare into my emerald ones.

"Hello Lucifer".

(So Mordecai, he's actually a character in a new book I haven't published. Since he's in the DSHN universe I thought he'd be a fun drop in.

I won't explain what a Sirennian is because it's all in the other book which I've called The Bride Of Evil.

Thoughts so far?)

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