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My smile is fake as I walk through the street. Regina Beaumont, the fairest of them all. Makes me sick.

"Regina!" I hear the screech of a banshee. I grit my teeth. Turning on my heels, suddenly a warm smile spreads on my face. I grunt when the her body collides with mine in a bear hug, reluctantly I hug back "Oh my dear friend how are you?" We pull back "I'm great Matilde how are you on this fine day?".

Matilde Quinn. One of the most annoying human beings I've ever had the terrible pleasure of meeting. Though we've been what she calls us friends for just over ten years. Yes ten years and I still can't stand her "I feel amazing Regina, Harrison has just asked for my hand in marriage! Isn't he so handsome and kind and generous an-" I cut her off.

Harrison Parker, one of the most pretentious pieces of shit, and she's marrying him? She spoke about him a few times but I don't recall him saying a single word to her or even a glance in her way.

"Oh my lord I am so happy for you my dear friend, so when is the day of the marriage?" She squeals and grabs both of my hands "Tomorrow! But there's some sad news" I fake a concerned look "What's wrong?" She sniffles "After the wedding we're going to move to um, I actually can't remember the name but it means that I can no longer see you" She looks down on the ground with obvious sadness.

I've got a weird feeling inside and I don't like it. It's going to be strange when she leaves, no more dread when she talks about silly boys. Her screeching when she's excited about the little things. She's a ray of sunshine that people love and I'm the dark cloud that brings people dread though I don't show it.

A tear drops from her face "Regina you have always been there for me, you are the reason why we became friends, best friends in fact" I hug her and roll my eyes. We became friends because of a fucking pervert, he touched her and I killed him with a pitchfork that was nearby. With the amount of anger that I had inside me you couldn't even identify him, I gladly stabbed him multiple times everywhere.

She helped me cover it up. He was a nobody, a disgusting drunk and no one even cared or asked around the next day or the day after etcetera. He's buried far away from the town. What she didn't know was that the next night I returned to the place we buried the fucker, placed my hands on the soil beneath and cursed what's left of his soul so it would feel immense pain for all eternity.

When a person dies they say the soul escapes from the body which is true but it takes time, each night a part of the soul escapes and yada yada so his soul after ten years is still in pain. Anyways after that Matilde stuck to me like a leech that annoyingly enough I didn't have the heart to rip off.

She's like a puppy, you literally can't get rid of her but oh my lord she can be so God damn annoying that I want to rip my hair out and curse her. She's so annoying because of the dickhead boys she swoons over, non stop talking about them, can't she see that she deserves better than those arseholes. When she doesn't talk about boys she's tolerable.

"Matilde may I ask where this proposal has come from?" She wipes her tear and smiles "He just came to my house yesterday night and asked so of course I said yes" This fucking idiot, I don't want to say anything that'll hurt her but I know he will, I know his type because the main dick has been pining after me for eight years.

They're the same, both rich pretentious arseholes who think they own the world and can have as many girls as they want. Annoyingly there's nothing I can do to stop this marriage so I just smile along "I'm happy for you my friend" I can tell she wants to hide her tears, but she's doing a shitty job at that.

"My dear Matilde!" And here the fucker is, walking towards us with a dirty grin. Letting go of me they hug and he wraps his arm around her waist. From another person's perspective they look like the perfect couple, but they're not. I don't know the reason why Harrison showed up on her door and asked for her hand.

I change my mind, I'm going to stop this wedding, for all of the times Matilde has helped me it's time to return the favour. I want to growl at him for touching her, rip him apart with my nails. I'll show him what a beast is and gladly so.

"Well hello Regina, how are you on this beautiful day?" His tone, that fucking tone makes me want to rip out his voice box "I'm wonderful Harrison, hearing of the wedding has made my day even more, very much happy for you both" His smile and the glimmer in his eyes are very similar to mine, fake.

"You know Regina you should think about marriage yourself, you wouldn't want to become a spinster. I know the perfect groom for you-" Don't he dare fucking say the name "Casidius, he really does admire you. Oh speaking of the man!".

'For fucks sake!'.

I tense up when I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder "Good morning Regina" My chuckle is so thick with fakeness. I'm still not surprised they don't detect it, idiots, shrugging his arm off of me I decide to leave "Well as nice as it is seeing you all I have to leave" Matilde holds her arm out "Oh don't leave yet please I want to enjoy my last day with you".

I smile "Ok well I have to tend with something first but I will meet you all at the bar, I shall not be long" Everyone seemingly happy, with that I take my leave. Sadly my escape will be short but it's not just an escape.

Bursting through the door of my home which is also a bakery I run upto my room, lift up my floorboard and take out the items that I need. The Voodoo Doll in my hand with a sharp needle in my other my intention is set, chanting the words that are needed my lungs stop for a second and I go completely deaf. My upper body is lurched backwards like I'm being pulled.

I gasp when I'm released and my lungs and hearing are working again. Placing my hand on my heart I regulate my breathing and heart beat. I chuckle maniacally. It's done.

By tomorrow, standing on the alter Harrison Parker will die, and I am going to happily watch.

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