Chapter 61

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"Woah, this place is fucking dope man." Jake says as we go through the garden trail slowly revealing the house. I haven't spoken a thing since I spilled the truth to Jake and the knot in my stomach keeps tightening the closer we get to the house. She's here already. Her car is on the spot next to mine so she's definitely there waiting for us and I was right because before we could even reach the front door, it opens revealing her with a blank expression on her face. I let out a heavy sigh as we approach her.

"Hi" I offered a small smile as I greet her with a kiss on the cheek while my hand slip to her waist, the good thing is she didn't budged but she pulls away immediately and gives Jake a hug before letting the both of us in.

"Thanks for driving her here." Elizabeth says while we're putting my equipment on the spot beside the couch on the living room and hearing that is just pathetic.

"Oh yea, its fine." Jake says. "Your place is amazing."

"Thanks, would you like something to drink?"

"I'll give you a beer. Beer sounds good right?" I butt in and Elizabeth gives me a look that sends warning but I'm too tired for this so I shrugged.

"Shannon—" Before she could even finish her sentence, I already walked out of the living room and into a kitchen. I  go straight to the fridge and got me two cans of beer realizing i don't have enough supplies of my beer anymore. Maybe a visit to the shops will be worth my time doing tomorrow while Elizabeth is at work.

I close the fridge door and return to the living room and handing Jake the can of beer and sitting on the couch beside him. Elizabeth sits in front of us giving me the look.

"He knows." I start before chugging the contents of my beer catching her full attention. "I told him everything, about the accident." She looks taken aback by what I just said but I just shrugged. I can feel the tension growing in the room and how I felt bad for Jake to be in the middle of this.

"Well" He turns to Jake and he just slowly nods his head.

"Yes she told me. Sis why hide it though?" Elizabeth's eyes snapped at me and as her brows raised kind of in a betrayal way, and that's when I knew I was in deep deep trouble and I hated it. "I mean, its not going to change anything right?"

"Shannon can you leave us to talk for a while—" Now she wants me to leave. What the fuck!

"Wha—Do I really have no right to hear this? Really?—"

"Shannon we'll talk later, I'm just going to talk to my brother—"

"Well obviously, you're going to talk about my life might as well let me hear it—"

"Shannon!" She snaps as I stand abruptly. "Just please—" I looked at her in disbelief and her eyes screams determination and I find myself caving in again. I stood up and shake my head and just walk away with anger, disappointment and frustration in my chest burning along with the alcohol I'm already consuming. I'm tired of this.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.
I sit here with my eyes still on Shannon as she walks away. I know making her leave probably isn't making the situation better but its best for her not to hear every trauma I've had for the past two year and risk another bad flashback. I know we've talk about this multiple times and her reassuring me that what happened before isn't going to happen now because she's different. I believe her, I really do. But that slight possibility of chance that she would is still there. I still think about it all the time since that incident happened at Mom's house the last time, again.

"Liz, I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I hear Jake whispers suddenly making my head turn to him. Guilt flashes on his face clearly. Alyssa told me what happened and come to think of it, it isn't his fault.

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