Chapter 25

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I just arrived in New York and I'm a little bit annoyed because my flight had been delayed and I'm running way behind my timeline. It's five in the afternoon and I still have to get some flowers for my lady and also for the twins. I called the flower shop earlier before I got in the plane so that would save me time later on. Then I have to change into something presentable because I'm very sure that would be a formal party with dresses and tuxedos. I was suppose to go to Elizabeth's apartment and surprise her there but I scratched that idea and just decided to surprise her at the party.

Fortunately, I can only see two, three men with huge cameras hanging around their neck waiting for someone to fire them with their intrusive question and I really can't take that right now. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I reached down for it to see Casey replying to my text.

I'm outside by the parking lot.

I didn't reply and just grabbed my bag up. I put on my hood and my sunglasses and remind myself to be fucking invisible and avoid them as much as possible. I think the universe is making it up with me for delaying my flight today because as I walk past those men I was talking about earlier a much taller person blocked me from their view and it was the best thing that had happened to me so far. I really don't need them right now.

I got out of the airport safely and invisible. I spotted my sister's car by the parking spot near the exits and rush towards it being cautious with my surroundings and still kept my head down.

"Hey" Casey says as soon as I'm close enough to hear her. " It unusual for you to greet me with your eyes stuck on the ground don't you think?" I looked up to her and gave her kiss on the cheek and a hug before opening up the back door for my bag and immediately got in the passenger seat.

"I'm sorry, I saw paparazzi inside and I just don't want any distractions right now. I'm really running late the dinner starts in two hours-" I checked my watch and sigh seeing the time. " Actually almost an hour and a half and I still have some things to do." She sighs as she starts the engine and backs up the car while I strap myself up before she could even tell me to.

"They're not going to leave you are they?" I snigger and shake my head. She lets out a deep breath and I kinda sensed what she was thinking but I'm nowhere near that right now. I'm mad about the paparazzi and I admit that it sucks but all I can think about right now is seeing my woman after a week of being away from her.

"I'm fine Casey. Don't worry." I glanced at her and smile. A proper and genuine smile, and gave her a pat on the shoulders.

"So are you going home to mine or your girlfriend's tonight?" She asks and my smile grew to my ear upon hearing the words 'your girlfriend' and it sounds pretty amazing to me.

"Maybe at hers then I'll drop to yours the earliest to get my things. I'm not sure, because all I got planned is how I'm going to get ready in an hour and a half for a birthday  dinner. I'm not even invited to."

"So you're crashing a party." She laughs like this is some kind of a funny stunt we watched back then.

"A surprise visit is fucking different from crashing a party Casey." I roll my eyes at her and she giggles shaking her head. After a while we finally arrived to her apartment and I immediately got off the car, take my bag and rushed inside to start dressing up. I needed to give Elizabeth a white lie about having a shoot on a fucking Sunday just so she knows I'm busy if she texted and I won't be able to respond right away, but even that I feel so guilty already. She's right I suck at lying.

I put on a striped black cropped top and some black dress pants that surely go along with a white blazer and heels. Also to top it off some silver accessories and my bumblebee necklace that I refuse to take off my neck still, so that's the outfit. Well, that's all I got from my tiny wardrobe of shirts and ripped jeans back in LA but this would do the trick. Oh and I'm filming this too so I'm really on a fucking roll today.

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