Chapter 60

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"So how are you and Lizzie?" Alyssa asks. We're currently on our way to Jake's apartment and I mean, that boy is just a ball of energy when I called him earlier which makes me hype as well in spite of the little left of the hangover I got earlier. I smiled.

"We've made up." I simply said and shrugged.

"That's it?" She gave me a nudge and I chuckle. "I hate when you do this"

"What? We had made in to terms that if it ever comes out. Then we'll just have to deal with it. The paparazzi, the press and everything that comes with it. Its hard to convince her but I really can't live like this forever you know." I sighed before glancing at her seeing a small smile on her face. "It's pretty exhausting and draining having to deal with the past and the present all at the same time and this is the only way I can stop that. It'll not be pretty, it would be hard process but I'm ready for it not just for me, but for her and the both of us."

"That is just— Sometimes you really blew me away." She says and I chuckle.


"I don't know, you've changed really, for the better though. This is a different Shannon I'm seeing now." She shrugs and somehow I agree. With all the stories about how I was before, I can really say that I'm not her anymore and I won't be that messed up Shannon anymore. Maybe that accident is a blessing in disguise or what. I know its brutal to think that but it got me here. It gave me a second chance and for a bonus, it gave Elizabeth and I another chance and that doesn't happen in most people.

"I'm not her anymore Alyssa. I won't go back to that. I won't risk it for us." I say putting my heart on my sleeve. I smile to myself as my girlfriend invades my thoughts again, playing reruns of us in my head.

"I can see that. You and Elizabeth are meant to be together. Your relationship is one hell of a destiny kind of story if you ask me. Its incredible. If the public finds about that then you two will definitely own headlines again." I let out a soft chuckle.

"Maybe we really are meant for each other if you could say that, in any universe." I winked at her and she smiles nodding her head.

We finally made it to Jake's apartment and a minute pass when I texted him that we're at the front, I swear he came running out of the building with a camera on his hand and this actually made me smile.

"Hey! How are you?" He says a bit enthusiastic and full of energy at this time of the day as soon as he settles down at the backseat. Are all Olsen siblings morning persons because damn, I haven't met one that still sleeps after six or seven in the morning.

"I'm good" I smiled turning to him. "Oh right, Jake meet Alyssa, she's my manager. Alyssa, Jake, Elizabeth's brother." Jake reaches out a hand to Alyssa and says,

"Jake, I'm sorry for being a bit obnoxious at the moment but I'm really a fan of Shannon's so this is like a dream." Alyssa giggles and shakes Jake's hand.

"Well, you're not even the slightest. It's really nice to meet you Jake." They shook hands as I start driving.

"Where's Lizzie?" He asks leaning against the back of Alyssa's seat looking at me. I glanced at him through the rear view mirror

"She has work later, but she did packed us some lunch its in the back."

"Oh I missed her cooking. Its so good." Hearing that makes me wonder, why did they drift apart. But I didn't asked further about that. I figured its not my place since I'm still just her girlfriend. "This is a fucking dream really, thank you for letting me tag along with you guys, even after what happened in Jarnie's house."  Hearing that makes me think about it. I don't really remember much of what happened and how did I even get in the car with Trent on the driver's side. All I remember was one thing I was face to face with Elizabeth's asshole of a dad and the next I was already seated talking to Elizabeth at the back of Trent's car on our way home. Guessing, Jake doesn't know anything about the accident, I played it safe and just said,

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