Treat You Better

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"Want to stay the night hyung? You can sleep in ny bed I'll sleep on the couch" Seokmin recommended with Joshua replying

"Ah no I'll sleep on the couch you can sleep on your bed im fine with the couch" Joshua smiled.

"Are you sure hyung?" Seokmin asked wanting the older to sleep on the bed and him on the couch instead but Joshua nodded and inseasted so he let the older sleep on the couch.

•--The next morning--•

It's sunday and 10:30 am Joshua woke up from the smell of a food coming from the kitchen he opened his eyes and see a different room that's not their dorm. Joshua then sat up and saw Seokmin cooking.

'Ah right i stayed over here last night' Joshua thought as he checked his phone and saw many missed calls and texts from Jeonghan.

As much as Joshua loves Jeonghan he can't shake the fact that Jeonghan literally did nothing but cause him pain for the past few days and as much as he loves him and doesn't want to leave Jeonghan he already decided to break up with him today.

"Good morning hyung!" Seokmin greeted the older hapoily and with a smile making Joshua snap out of his thoughts.

"Good morning Dokyeom" Joshua smiled back while Seokmin brings the food to the table infront of the couch so Joshua can eat and both proceeded to eat.

"Im breaking up with Jeonghan later" Joshua suddenly said making Srokmin choke on his food in shockness.

"I-i Seokmin here drink water!" Joshua handed the water to the younger who drank it and stopped choking.

"Sorry for suddenly bringing it up" Joshua said looking down.

"No no it's okay hyung i was just shocked that's all" Seokmin smiled reassuring the older that it's fine with Joshua smiling a little.

"But you're really gonna break up with him?" Seokmin asked in confirmation with Joshua nodding a slow yes as a response.

At this point Seokmin doesn't know if he should feel happy about it since he'll have his chance or sad because he knows how much Joshua loves Jeonghan and probably doesn't want to break up with him.


Meanwhile with Jeonghan who's currently at Cheol's place worried at where Joshua is.

[lmao now he's worried-]

"I called the others but allof them said that they haven't seen Joshua" Cheol said at Jeonghan who's worried now.

"You know this is your fault" Cheol suddenly said making Jeonghan shock.

"How is this my fault??"

"Well if you haven't noticed you've done nothing but drink and get drunk these past few days you even stay here and didnt come to you and Joshua's dorm leaving Joshua alone these past few days, So to make it short you've done nothing but cause him pain Jeonghan" Cheol said with Jeonghan being confused.

"Dont you see Jeonghan? I saw Joshua this past few days he looks awful and sad more likely depressed and Joshua is really good at hiding his emotions and that's why i kept telling you not to come with us anymore but you always insist so who do you think is the reason why he was like that and just decided to dissappear last night?" Cheol said with Jeonghan realising he messed up real bad he got so addicted to alchohol that he forgot and didn't notice that he's hurting his boyfrend.

Silence filled the room but was gone when Jeonghan's phone pinged a notif.


Jeonghan I need to tell you
something meet me at the park
later 3 pm sharp.

"who's was it?" Cheol saked.

"It's shua he said he wants to tell me something later" Jeonghan said having a very uneasy feeling here.

[2:45 pm]

"Seokmin i-" Joshua cutted himself off as he starts to think if this is the right decision.

"I know hyung but just go with what your heart desire" Seokmin said as he put his hand out gesturing Joshua to take his hand.

"Will you be there?" Joshua asked hesitating to take Seokmin's hand.

"Take my hand hyung we'll be fine.. Promise i wont let you down, Just know that you dont have to do this alone, Promise I'll never let you down" Seokmin said with Joshua taking his hand and leaned their forehead with each other.

"But i still won't be able to return you're feeling Dokyeom.. Not now when i still love him i dont want to use you as a rebound" Joshua said pulling their foreheads away from each other.

"I know hyung I'll wait and do ny best if you're ready to give me a chance" Seokmin smiled making Joshua feel at ease.

[3:00 pm]

"Shua.." Jeonghan said as he slowly approached his boyfriend who's standing in a certain spot.

"Shua im-" Before Jeonghan could finish he was cutted off when Joshua suddenly kissed his lips.

Jeonghan kissed back and then the couple are now kissing each other softly and gently and pulled away.

"Jeonghan I-i want to break up with you" Joshua suddenly said after they pulled away from the kiss with tears coming in his eyes making Jeonghan shock.

"W-what?" Jeonghan said stuttering feeling his heart being torn apart upon hearing those words.

"I want to break up with you" This time Joshua said with tears fallingdown his cheeks but smiling.

"N-no no no please Joshua I can't..." Jeonghan grabbed Joshua's hand and are also tearing up.

"I-i love you Joshua p-please.." Jeonghan said sobbing.

Seeing these scene of course absolutely breaks Joshua's heart and wants to comfort Jeonghan but he already made his decision and did what he thinks is the best and as much as Joshua wants to cry his heart out to he can't because he's the one who chose this.

"Im sorry Jeonghan.." Joshua said as he let go off Jeonghan's hand and slowly turned away.

"Joshua p-please.." Jeonghan said literally knees and hands on the ground as he cry from the pain with Joshua also crying his heart out as he leave Jeonghan there.

Seokmin who was there on a corner is sad from the scene but just let the sadness out as he has something important to do and that is to comfort Joshua and

'I promise I'll treat you better'

A/N: Okay i know this is a Jihan oneshots so why the hell Seoksoo is in this chapter- well- um it's because yes as i said on the beggining of the chaoter this isa jihan angst and i want to try and include seoksoo here so sorry for the Jihan shippers I'll make up for the next chapter it'll be a Jihan smut🤩

Jihan || one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora