"All right," Cole was about to hang up when Zyler stopped him.

"Cole," he called.

"Yeah," Cole dragged the man out.

"I want this son of a bitch to cough up everything he knows. I don't care about collateral damage." Zyler clutched the railing.

"Sure," Cole hung up.

Zyler closed his eyes, "I want to see you doing good things to the world, Zy," his father decorated Zyler's neck with a dark skull chain. "This world has a lot to offer, and I want my boy to be the one to make the world a better place," his dad was so proud of him.

"And finally, when you become the man I am proud of, you will take over everything, and I will retire somewhere," the moment was interrupted by his mother. A honk in the car's horn grabbed their attention.

"Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom," Zyler hugged his mother and ran outside.

"You taught him well," Zyler's mother, Elaine, stood by her Alexander.

"I tried so hard to keep him away from this world. I don't want his blood tainted. Mine already is. I can't have his, too," he kissed his wife's palm.

"He never touched a gun in his life, Lex. I am sure he is fine," Elaine kissed her husband's forehead. "You worry too much," she knew her husband was a worry wort.

He heard it. Zyler stood there and listened to his parents. This was his favorite habit. They were so in love that he wondered if he would ever find someone like them. His father was loved by the masses. He wanted to like him when he grew up. Do good things for the people around him.

Zyler opened his eyes. His mother and father had a lot of love to give to the world. He knew it. He had seen it. But now, all has disappeared.

The anger was getting the worst out of him. He poured more tobacco into the head of the cigar and smoked it till there was nothing left. He will avenge them.

Morning rolled in. Autumn woke up before everyone. She had a habit of having some peppermint tea before everyone woke up. She brushed her hair, grabbed a cup of tea, and sat in the garden, enjoying nature. Her gaze moved to the bike her dad used to ride. She missed it, she missed him.

Her thoughts ran haywire. She hoped that they would leave soon. Then her thoughts drifted to her dad. "Did he read the contract before signing it? Would they be in danger? Would he do whatever he said he would do to her parents? She hoped he wouldn't. But Zyler is a man of his word. He might be a sadistic manipulator, but he didn't to her till now.

In all her thoughts, she didn't realize someone walking to her, "Boo," she felt two hands pick her up and twirl her in the air. She didn't inhale a familiar scent. It felt new and unrecognizable. The man twirled, and her anxiety got the worst of her. She was about to yell, but the man closed her mouth as if he sensed it.

She wiggled, turned, twisted, but it was of no use. He was too powerful. He put her down after a good minute, and she immediately scurried away. And there he was, the man of her nightmares. "Killian," she hated her cousin to the core.

"In the flesh, baby," he stepped forward, and Autumn cringed.

"How are you, cousin?" He wanted to kiss her senselessly. The man was a pervert and a prick. His looks made him unsuspecting, covering the stench of his horrible nature.

"I was okay until you touched me. Now I need to bathe in acid," she started wiping off imaginary dust on her body. She was disgusted.

"Awe," he rendered her prisoner to the wall and his body.

Burn Me RightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon