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Shantel was born half-nigerian, half-american. Her dad was Nigerian and her mom American. She had taken more of her mom's looks. Although born in Nigeria, she was barely a year old when her parents had relocated to the States where they have remained ever since. Her grandparents did visit though and her Aunt Obiageli, her dad's sister.
Her mom's family were just a few miles away from Texas. Her mom had just two brothers. Her older brother, Dylan was in the Military. Dylan was married with two kids, and her younger brother, Fredrick a Banker. He had recently just gotten married, after years of being a 'playboy'. He had broken so many ladies heart with his marriage, worst, he had settled for a lady who wasn't as flashy as the ladies he had been with.
Shantel being an only child, had only the best. She was loved and pampered by all her extended family members. Shantel had always wanted a change of environment. Despite clocking the big 10 three months back, she was way more mature than kids her age. She had just graduated from elementary school. Now she was going to High School and her Dad had broken the news to her:
"Shan, you will be doing your High School in Nigeria" he said.
"What, Nigeria???" She asked surprised "Whoooopiiii finally somewhere different" she shockingly added.
Her dad and mom had exchanged looks of surprise. They had thought that Shantel would be upset.
"Well that's a good happiness" her dad commented. "You know I went to a boarding school back in Nigeria. It had its ups and downs, but it was so much fun. There's alot to learn, it shapes you and teaches you how to be time-oriented, be self-dependent and smart" he watched her to be sure she was listening. She seemed to be and he continued "You see you will meet so many people, from different walks of life. You will have to learn to make certain choices and decisions on your own. So be prepared, is that fine? "
"Yes Dad, Omg I've got to tell Doris and Pete about this. Be right back" she dashed into her room, came out almost immediately and hugged her parents.
"Love you both so much" she said and ran back to her room, shutting the door behind her. Within seconds, they could hear her blurt out the news to her friends over the phone.
"I'm not sure she heard a damn thing you just said" her mom said out loudly.
"Well, she'd recall them when the need arises" her husband winked at her.
They both smiled.
Shantel didn't have an idea of what she was about to meet!

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