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The second Dove shut her door I was kicking my foot against her desk in a rage.

"Woah woah woah, relax!" She exclaimed at me.

"I'm so fucking stupid, so stupid!" I continued kicking over and over as I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Stop Neville, no you aren't. We need to talk, please just talk to me." She begged, pulling me into a hug. I fell into her arms. My emotions finally spilling out. Everything that had happened in the last 24 hours had built up and I honestly just missed my best mate so much.

"Shhh it's okay, it's going to be okay Nev." she hummed as she pet my hair.

"How Dove? How is everything going to be okay? I feel as if I've screwed up everything. It's all too much, I don't know what to do."

She was silent, letting me vent and cry. She was my protector. I depended on her far too much but I couldn't help it. She was the one person I could trust with anything and yet I felt short as her friend again.

"I'm sorry." I finally sighed.

"Now why in Merlin would you need to apologize to me?" Dove said in her cheerful voice, she gently wiped my cheeks dry with her thumb.

I sighed, sitting on her bed and burying my face in my hands.
"Well first off I never told you I'm gay. You should have been the first to know, I'm sorry if you felt betrayed."

"Oh Neville, I'm not upset about you not telling me. I was just worried for you. Ritchie always gave me an off feeling, and Theo seemed concerned about it as well."

I let out a scoff earning me a laugh from Dove.
"What was that about?" She asked.

"Oh you didn't see Nott with his tongue down that witch's throat down there?" I huffed.

"HAH! I knew it! You do fancy him!" Dove excitedly said as she jumped up and down.
"See, when I talked to him-"

"Dove what the hell! You talked to him about me?!"

"What? I didn't say anything specific I swear. It was mostly Theo talking about you to be completely honest. It's really hard to get a word in with that guy." She explained.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. This was now the third time someone has told me Theo was talking about me, and at this point I was so unbelievably confused. I wasn't sure how to react. Should I be flattered? Curious? Angry?

In a perfect world I'd be ecstatic, elated even.
But this wasn't a perfect world.
And Theo was down stairs with someone else.

"So I'm guessing your date didn't go well?" She joked as she sat beside me on the bed.

"Ha ha very funny, yeah it didn't go well at all. Yours?"

"Mine?" She giggled.

"Your date, with Theo. I mean obviously it couldn't have gone too well with the scene he's making down there." I noted.

Dove fell into a laughing fit, she patted my shoulder as she attempted to regain her composure.

"You thought-" she tried to speak but the giggles were over taking her again. She took one last breath before she was able to fully speak again.
"Neville, I've been meaning to talk to you about this actually." She noted in a more serious tone.

I nodded, signaling I was ready to listen.

"The thing is, I don't think I fancy anyone. Witches, wizards, no one. I just don't have those feelings like everyone else does." She explained.

"I don't understand, you aren't attracted to anyone?......ever?" I questioned.

She took a deep breath in and then nodded.
"Ever." She said with a content smile.

There was no way for me to know for sure, but she looked incredibly relieved now. It was as if this had been weighing on her shoulders for a very long time, and in all honesty, I was impressed. She always seemed so put together, so perfect, I wasn't sure when she found time to worry about how I'd react to this.

"Well then, you don't date anyone. So what?" I shrugged.

A wide grin spread across her face as she tackled me into the bed in a fit of giggles.
"Ah Nev, that's the worst reaction ever. It's perfect." She joked.

"Shove off, I'm gay, I get a free pass."

"You're an idiot." She playfully scoffed as she smacked my arm.

Before I could react, the sound of a lock clicking caught our attention. My head snapped towards the dorm door when I heard the familiar creature crawl from the keyhole.

"Bowie?" I questioned as I prepared for the bowtruckle's owner to reveal himself.

"Bowie?" Dove questioned as she sat up confused.

Theo pushed the door open carefully, peaking in to check if he had the correct door. When he noticed Dove and I, he fully let himself into the room. A bright smile plastered on his face, as if nothing had happened.

I turned my body to face away from him, pulling my knees up into myself as I attempted to make myself as small as I could on Dove's bed, as if he couldn't see me if I did so.

"Hi there Dovie, everything okay? You look like you were crying." Theo noted as he got closer.

Dove noted my reclusive behavior but attempted to ignore it.
"Yeah- I'm alright. Is everything alright here?" She asked motioning towards Theo and I.

"I dunno, why the long face Longbottom?" He asked jokingly.

I only just scoffed. Theo was obviously taken back by this, he attempted taking another step forward but Dove didn't allow it.

"If you hurt him Theo, I mean really hurt him. I won't let you forget..... ever." She growled at him, she stood up from the bed we were sitting on and faced him.
"You better work this thing out or our deal is off... ya?"

"Yeah- I mean- yes ma'am." Theo practically stuttered.

Dove stomped out the door, leaving Theo and I alone.

"What's your obsession with making deals Nott?" I finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Theo chuckled while he awkwardly sat beside me on the bed. He wasn't as close as he normally was, an odd sensation like an invisible barrier between us. I'd rarely seen Theo nervous but the emotion was thick around him. He was doing what he normally did when he wasn't confident about a situation, looking down at his hands and not up at me.

"Well it's the same deal really, Dove agreed to Marry me." He stated plainly.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant