21 - No Time (Naomi)

Start from the beginning

"It's fine. Hop in." She'd driven him countless times. What was one more?

As he sat in the passenger seat, she searched for the address and best route. Luckily, there'd only be ten minutes of potential awkwardness ahead, according to Google Maps.

While she drove, Greg tapped his fingers on the door panel near the window like he did when he was thinking. She turned on the radio to break the awkward silence and, to her luck, an old Three Days Grace chorus belted out, 'I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?' She quickly changed it to a classic rock station where the Guess Who sang 'No time for the love you send. Seasons change and so did I.'

"How's work going?" Greg finally broke the silence.

"Good, took on a new private client, but otherwise, pretty status quo. What about you?"

"That's great. The market's unstable, so people are constantly checking in like our company doesn't employ a team of analysts to handle situations like this. I've had lots of fun and late nights at work."

"Tara must love that," Naomi said out of habit from before the long-term couple broke up. She regretted it the second it left her lips. She didn't want to know about their relationship.

"Why do you think I'm going to Ian's tonight? He doesn't want me there, but she does."

Naomi was so glad she wasn't stuck in a relationship with that dynamic. "And you want to sit at home and play Call of Duty."

He chuckled. "Is that too much to ask?"

If he'd been working overtime all week, it didn't seem like it. The dark circles under his eyes confirmed he wasn't getting much sleep.

"Why didn't you skip softball?"

From the corner of her eye, Naomi caught Greg staring at her, but she refocused on the road.

"She would have had me running errands."

Greg didn't sound happy. If anything, he was as annoyed as he was before his break-up with Tara. It astounded Naomi that people would tolerate that just for sexual chemistry. Kieran had done it with Brinny. Although from the conversations Naomi overheard, he hardly spent time with Brinny anymore, despite the time he spent messaging Naomi throughout the day. Even if it seemed wrong to enjoy Brinny's discomfort, the news still thrilled Naomi. During the game earlier, Kieran had been texting her pictures about a gelato place they could visit.

"What has you so smiley?"

"Gelato." It wasn't an outright lie.

"Oh yeah? A pit stop before the pub?" Greg's smile matched his upbeat tone, which was odd considering he usually avoided eating out, as it was an unnecessary expense.

"Nah, I'll save it for the weekend."

Greg ran his hands over his shorts and exhaled. "Thanks for driving. I miss this."

Naomi swallowed the lump in her throat. "I did too at first, but maybe things are supposed to be this way. None of your girlfriends liked how close we were, and neither did Luke."

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Considering your next boyfriend, or do you already have one?"

Shit. She should not have opened that door. Things were almost okay between them. "No, I don't. But you have a girlfriend, and Tara has never liked me. Things should be easier for you two with me out of the picture."

"Nothing's easier," he muttered quietly enough that he must have thought she couldn't hear him.

His statement was one-sided because their relationship had her overthinking, feeling guilty, and panicking. Even though she and Kieran weren't dating, it was easy with him. His touch was soothing and warm, his laughs infectious, and he treated her asexuality with curiosity and respectful cautiousness instead of disdain.

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