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I giggled slightly, comparing her to Molly Weasley from the Harry Potter series in my mind. I also couldn't help but think of the Inspector Gadget song when she said 'gadgets'. Caspar looked at me with a look if disbelief.

"Mom!" He said, her phone in his hand. "Joe is too innocent! He doesn't even know what porn is, I bet." He shook his head and looked down at her phone, starting on trying to get it to fix.

I blushed, remembering a very low point in the ages when I was 12-15. God, I didn't even know what I was horny over. I just sat in the shower and cried until it went away.

"That's because Joe is a good boy!" Mrs. Lee said, walking over to me and pinching my cheeks. "He's like a baby bird that needs protecting!"

I blushed more, 101% sure that my face was probably redder than a tomato. Caspar just glanced up at her and shook his head.

"Okay, mom. Can you give him the keys to your car because he left his bag in there, and he sort of needs it. I'll try and figure out what you did to your phone." Caspar went back to it, pressing on the home button only for him to roll his eyes when it stayed on the same screen as before, frozen.

"Oh, well, okay." Mrs. Lee walked out of the room, beckoning me to follow her. I took one last look at Caspar, who gave me a lazy grin. I gave him a small smile and a wave, followings after his mother.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Mrs. Lee."

She looked at me with a giant grin and a slight twinkle in her eye that all mothers seemed to have when they were smiling at a child. "No worries, sweet heart. Caspar was very worried for you, so you stay here as long as you want. I have no choice over if you would like to go somewhere else, but if something bad happens to you, come straight to me!"

I just nodded, feeling my heart flutter when she said Caspar was worried about me. She led me to the living room and walked over the coffee table, which had a bowl sitting in the middle of it. She reached into it and pulled a pair of keys out, turning towards me and handing me them.

"You can go and get your bag, okay, sweetie?"

I nodded and gave her another thank you before walking to the front door and opening it, stepping out to see a red car drive down the street.

The Lee's neighborhood, in one word, was beautiful. All of the houses were large, meaning most of the families probably had 3-5 people or more living in them. All of the houses were also a nice color, Caspar's being a nice shade of maroon. All of the houses seemed so lovely, and nice. It was a wealthy neighborhood, I could tell, because when I walked over to the car, I saw a large 4 story house up the end of the road, and a faint gate all the way at the end. Last night I didn't even notice the neighborhood had one. Maybe it was already open, or something. All I knew is that the whole neighborhood was gorgeous and I couldn't help but wish that I lived here. My neighborhood wasn't bad, but it was old and all of the houses, including mine, seemed to be worn down.

I sighed softly as I shuffled through Mrs. Lee's keys and key chains until I found her car key, clicking the unlock button on it. I then walked over to the car that beeped, walking over to the passenger door and opened it. My bag lay on the floor of the car, so I picked it up and slung it over my shoulder, slamming the door shut. I then locked the door and returned to the Lee's household, walking back into the kitchen. Caspar stood there, shaking his head at the phone. Mrs. Lee wasn't there, so she was probably with Caspar's dad doing something.

"Hola," I said, causing him to look up at me. I held up the keys. "Should I put this back in the bowl on the coffee table, or something?"

He just shook his head, putting his mom's phone on the table. "I'll do it for you later." Caspar walked over to me and took the car keys away from me. He then walked over to the refrigerator and placed them on the top.

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