chapter 2

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Warrior'sat Mousepaw Spiderflight would want you to eat something." Darkkit watched from the nursery as Mousepaw stared at the scrawny bird that seemed to taunt her. A few days passed since Spiderflight died and Mousepaw seems to still be upset no matter how much the Clan tries to comfort her.

However, the clan couldn't do much as she distended herself from everyone. Bonefur, her mentor, however, did his best to try and include her in any activities to try and get her into the cheerful mood she had when Spiderflight was alive.

Thankfully, the gathering was tonight, and Lionstar was determined to confront ThunderClan about the aggressive behavior from Hawkpaw. "Woodkit stop playing like that. Applekit is supposed to be the hawk!"

Darkkit looked over his shoulder and saw beetlekit arguing with Woodkit, who stood behind Frostkit. "Applekit told me to be the hawk he hates being it." Darkkit padded over to Applekit, who stood by Raccoonkit, watching the fight unfold between the other kits.

"What happened?" Questioned Darkkit. "Well, Beetlekit made me the hawk even tho I hate being the hawk, so I asked her to be the hawk. I guess I forgot to tell Woodkit." Darkkit looked over to the kits, who still argued, and sighed before Woodkit's ears perked up.

"Let's go see father I don't like being in the nursery." Applekit and frostkit both nodded at the idea and began to follow Woodkit out of the nursery. "Are you coming with us?" Frostkit questioned. Darkkit looked at his littermates who shared the same awkward feeling he had.

Raccoonkit looked at Frostkit with a strange glance. "Lionstar isn't our father he's our leader. It just seems weird to go into the leader's den unannounced." Frostkit immediately flattened his ears as silence pierced the nursery. "Well, goodbye, I guess."

The golden brown kit immediately left the nursery, clearly uncomfortable, leaving Darkkit with his littermates alone. "So what do we do now? Cloudfur is out on a patrol and Poppywing is with Lionstar. I'm bored!"

Darkkit looked around the camp noticing how there were rocks and leaves all around the camp. Excitement coursed through Darkkit when he looked back at his littermates, an idea glowing in his head."Let's have a race around the camp!"

Raccoonkit and Beetlekit both nodded with agreement at the idea. "That sounds fun what are the rules?" Darkkit looked at his white paws before his eyes opened wide. "Follow me and I'll explain the rules before we start the race."

Both of his littermates nodded with excitement as they followed behind Darkkit as all three of them left the nursery. Darkkit settled by the nursery as he began to stretch. "It's simple: we start at the nursery, then we run around the whole camp until we reach the nursery again."

Beetlekit looked at Darkkit with disappointment as she began to poke at the dirt with her paws. "But that sounds like we're just running. I thought it was gonna be more fun!" Raccoonkit looked at Beetlekit and nodded agreeing with her.

Why does he agree with her? Darkkit sighed and looked around the camp and realized the rocks and leaves he saw earlier could be useful. "Wait, it's not just running, but it's also an obstacle course." Beetlekit immediately lit up as she sat still. "Go on."

Darkkit purred with satisfaction as Raccoonkit also began to sit tall with curiosity. " you see Darkpaw dozing by the apprentice den? We need to, dodge him as we run and avoid waking him. The rocks by the warrior's den are sharp, so avoid stepping on them, or else you have to go and see Toadpool."

Both of Darkkit's littermates nodded at the explanation seeming excited at the game. "And finally, the leaves that are on, the ground don't slip on them, and if a leaf is falling, you have to avoid it touching you, or else you have to restart." Raccoonkit chirped with excitement as he stood up ready to start running.

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