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The sounds of battle echoed through the rocks as the sun hid behind clouds giving only a cool breeze with no light. Hope was crushed in the battle. A black cat stood in the middle blood seeping from his wound. He felt unsure but kept his gaze focused on something

He carefully looked over his pelt looking for something or someone. Where is Deerstar? He promised to meet here. Letting out a disappointed sigh, the black cat began to run past groups of cats, ignoring the blood that turned the grass Crimson.

Upset knowing he wouldn't be able to find his friend he began to look for another cat he could fight. He quickly spotted a gray tom fighting a black cat his yellow eyes filled with the spirit to keep fighting and end the battle.

He immediately recognized the cat as Claystar and began to slowly stalk over to him, ready to the new leader as many times as he needed to. However, before he reached Claystar, he heard a familiar voice he hadn't heard in moons.

He looked over and saw the silver fur of a familiar she-cat that he thought was long dead. However, there she stood along with his daughter. However, the other three he didn't recognize. Who are those three?

Fury coursed through his veins as he ran over to them ready to finish what he needed to. But he was immediately knocked down by a dark brown tom who stared at him with horror from his only good eye.

"Darkstar, we are losing this battle. They killed Comet and Panther. They are our strongest fighters. We can't do this anymore." Darkstar glared at the tom with his one green eye and looked around before sneering.

"Listen, Bear, we stop when I say we stop. I'm so close to winning my battle, so stop being a coward and keep fighting!" Bear flinched at Darkstar's words and backed away slowly. "Put your pride aside. How can you call yourself a leader when you're risking others' lives for your battle?"

Darkstar let out an angry hiss as he jumped at the brown tom and began to sink his claws into his throat. "I'm not getting my paws dirty by doing other things that aren't important. You were loyal, Bear, but you had to be pushy." He removed his red-stained paw from Bear's shaking body and walked away without a word.

He looked around for the five cats he saw earlier and spotted them climbing the stone hill. Idiots, that will take too long. He hissed with annoyance and began to run over to the stones ready to climb and reach what he was needing to for all his life.

He spotted a grey tom with black stripes that stayed behind, fear glowing in his eyes. Darkstar began to slowly walk over to the tom, not wanting to make his presence known until he got close enough to the other cat.

However, he watched as the black-stripped tom reared back with his claws unsheathed, aiming for Darkstar's face. Barely missing him by a whisker, Darkstar backed away, surprised by the accuracy of the attack, considering this one probably wasn't a warrior for long.

"You!" The grey tom's eyes immediately turned hostile the second he saw Darkstar. "You're the reason Nightshade is dead!" Darkstar felt realization hit him when the pieces began to connect in his head. This cat was his son's kit.

Immediately he felt a burst of energy as he ran towards the tom and pinned him underneath his stained paws. "You'll be thankful when this is the last face you see." He watched as the tom looked at him with confusion not aware of Darkstar's plan.

He immediately bit down on the warrior's throat, ignoring the yowls of protest coming from above him. The almost dead warrior beneath him, however, was a fighter and began kicking at Darkstar's soft belly.

Immediately, he backed away, not wanting to lose a life when he only had two left. The grey tom immediately dashed away and stopped only a few mouse lengths away from Darkstar, letting out slow, ragged breaths.

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