Chapter 1

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Darkkit breathed in the pleasant smell of lavender that came from his mother. He flicked his ears with annoyance when Raccoonkit let out a e causing Darkkit to open his green eyes and glare at Raccoonkit who was sound asleep next to beetlekit. He looked around and the shades of other cats in the nrsery.

In the corner he spotted a brown cat with a ginger kit close to her belly and on the right side he saw another brown she cat with a swollen belly but no kits or  milk scent. He got up, from the nest with his wobbly legs and looked over his shoulder to see his mother's pretty white fur.

It was clear and clean no dust seemed to cling onto it. He gazed at his own pelt and saw jet black fur.His nose began to twitch as he looked ovest epped littermates and observed their fur to see none of them had the pure white pelt like their mother. Sleep still pulling at him he immediately laid down and got close to his mother.

"Beetlekit be careful you almost landed on Darkkit." Darkkit opened his eyes confused looked around for whoever had the  energetic voice. He saw his littermates were awake along with the ginger cat he saw with the other queen. "Sorry Firekit I just slipped on some moss it's not my fault."

Firekit let out a sigh as she padded over to Beetlekit. "I know beetlekit but Cloudfur would have my pelt if any of you got hurt. I'm suppose to watch you guys while she goes and get prey for Poppywing." Beetlekit let out a purr of agreement but stopped when she saw Darkkit.

"Your finally awake! Firekit you can show us around the camp now." Firekit rolled her eyes and playfully cuffed Bettlekit's ears. "How about we wait until Cloudfur gets back so I can ask her for permission." When the last word left Firekit's mouth Cloudfur appeared from the entrance

"What is it you need to ask me about Firekit?" Cloudfur padded over to the brown she cat with the swollen belly and placed what he believed is called a lizard by her nest. The brown she cat nodded her thanks and began to eat it.Cloudfur let out a purr then turned her attention to Firekit.

"Cloudfur Darkkit is awake which means we can go out now right?" The blue gaze of his mother sent shivers down his spine as she looked at him. "But of course Firekit but remember keep a close eye on them I don't want them bothering the warrior's especially since leafbare is close.

Firekit gave a brief nod and beckoned the kits to follow her. Darkkit felt hesitant and looked at his mother but she gave him a approving nod. Happy he exited the out of the nursery and flinched at the cold breeze that hit him. "Show us the apprentice den Firekit!"

Darkkit looked over to his sister who had curious green eyes fixed on Firekit. "Of course Beetlekit, Raccowithkit are you okay for the walk? Darkkit looked at his brother who gave a brief nod and began much to follow the older she-cat. Why is he so small? Darkkit shook the question away and followed Firekit.

"There's the apprentice den I'll be sleeping there tomorrow." A light grey head peeked out of the green moss that covered the entrance. The green eyes full of playfulness darted over to Darkkit and his littermates. "I'll belive that when hedgehogs fly." Firekit backed away in surprise and rolled her eyes.

the grey cat sat beside Firekit making Darkkit feel so small. The cat was twice the size of Darkkit's denmate and and could clearly beat her in a fight. "Hello there you must be Blackpelt's kits I'm Spiderpaw the next leader of ShadowClan." A darker pelt appeared behind Spiderpaw letting out a yawn.

"Maybe you should learn how to actually hunt properly before boasting about being the next leader." Spiderpaw jumped at the voice and let out a purr. "This is Mousepaw my littermate and best friend." The she cat rolled her eyes and began to pad away.

"Wait for me!" Spiderpaw left the kits alone with Firekit in a deep silence. "How about I show you the elders den? Nutfur loves kits especially new kits." Raccoonkit and Beetlekit both nodded in agreement as they both followed the ginger kit leaving Darkkit behind.

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