chapter four

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''Leave us, Trudy.'' Cal ordered forcefully, not taking his black eyes away from Rose. The sting of the blow was blossoming just beneath her left eye but it was nothing compared to the agony which was developing in the pit of her stomach. The agony of allowing Cal to treat her the way that he did. For allowing herself to become this involved with a man like him. Wasn’t he always going to attempt to control every facet of her life until she became the perfect cultured wife?

''I'm afraid I cannot go.'' Trudy came closer, her back rod straight as Cal looked at her. She wasn’t the timid, mouse-like maid anymore. ''Or I would have to report my findings here today.’’ Her voice was unwavering. ‘’Your reputation is very important to you, Mr. Hockley, let her go.''

With an angry exhale, Cal awkwardly let Rose go and she shrunk before pulling her dressing gown further around her body and backing toward Trudy, as though the hired help was stronger than she was; as though she could be protected by her.

Cal straightened his attire; as though he had won round one of many battles.

''You are to be my wife, Rose. Don't forget that.'' His voice was cold, almost threatening but he caught Trudy’s gaze as he went, as though he had much more to say but didn’t.

Rose avoided eye contact with him; she shook visibly and as he left the room, he eyed her as though he was thoroughly satisfied with his work. As though frightening her was enough for the time being.

Trudy pulled Rose towards her, offering comfort as much as she could.

‘’My own father was a bully for many years. The thing he detested the most was when a woman stuck up for herself in front of him.’’

A tear or two escaped her own eyes, not just for Rose but for every lost soul in the sea. Trudy hadn't allowed herself to think since the sinking and it was only now comforting somebody else, that she felt the need to weep.

''There, there.''

Rose pulled away after a minute. The affected area had swelled ever so slightly, with a small cut through it.

 ''We need some ice for that.''

Rose shook her head quickly. ''No, I have to go,’’ she ushered away Trudy’s fettling fingers, ‘’I have some place to be.’’

''But Miss, it may bruise.''

Rose picked up the dress which she had selected earlier and held it up against herself to measure if the fitting would do.

“Well, it will be a reminder to him every day. I shall not deny the reason of its appearance.''

Trudy must have felt the need to insist harder but the sheer determination in Rose’s face seemed to strike a chord with her; so, she refrained from arguing further.

‘’Very well.’’

Rose clung to the dress, as though clutching at something would help her to keep focused on the task at hand. Turning, she caught sight of Trudy; the woman who had always been her only friend and confidante. Unwavering support from the beginning.

‘’What happened? To your father? Who stood up to him?’’ Hesitantly, Rose enquired.

Trudy smiled, knowingly. ‘’I did.’’

There; Rose was filled with such confidence in that moment almost as though lightening had struck her.

Leaving the stateroom had been easier than initially thought and now as dusk was approaching, Rose found herself on the third-class desk facing Jack. Her cheek was red, pulsating and she had made no efforts to cover it. Why should she have to? The fact its existence was revealed for all to see would not sit well with her fiancé; there would be questions and Rose would answer honestly. Why should she protect Caledon’s reputation when he did very little to earn it?

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