5. Dollhouse

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"No one never listens
This wallpaper glistens
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen."

Crimson punishes Moxxie,

Millie and Blitzø look for Crimson.


Title from: Melanie Martinez, Dollhouse.

TW: Hitting, violence, controlling behavior, creepy behavior, arguing, yelling, locking someone up, hating oneself, implied child abuse, abuse, implied self harm, feeling useless, silent treatment mentioned, implied child abandonment, anxiety, hypnosis, creepy, "impure regression" is mentioned, shaming someone for regressing, LMK if I should add.

More warning/rant: ⚠️Important:⚠️ This chapter uses the term 'Impure regression' this term suggests that there's both good and bad regression (or pure and impure regression) when this is not true. Age regression is used as a coping mechanism to help with Trauma. Of course trauma will trigger it sometimes, And Sometimes you have to allow yourself to feel negatively and deal with trauma symptoms and that's totally valid. Babies can feel sadness, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, and harmful thoughts without it being wrong or: "impure."
You can cry, you can throw a tantrum, you can have a meltdown or deal with flashbacks it's okay to not be okay. Your feelings are valid, they don't make you impure or wrong.

It's also okay if you use this term, a lot of people do. It's your life, if it helps you to use this term, use it. But, personally I do not believe in using it, I don't like the implication and a lot of others don't either. (Some use the term 'Negative regression' instead since its negative emotions? But idk I don't think a term is needed for this, emotions and negative Trauma symptoms are just part of being human.) In this chapter though, this term is used to show how littles are perceived in their world. It is not meant to imply honestly that littles need to be happy all the time or be okay all the time. They don't have to be happy, it's okay to not be.

~~~Moxxie, Past, age 15:~~~

Crimson told Moxxie that he had 'connections' with someone who could allegedly stop Moxxie from regressing.

The place in question was called 'Madressas' they're a business who uses the same techniques as the powerful demon herself. They had to sign a document before coming in, a confidentiality contract that would reassure that neither client nor hypnotist would speak of what happened inside.

This made Moxxie even more nervous, what was about to happen in there? And why couldn't he talk about it?

"Get moving." Crimson tells him when Moxxie finished signing. "We don't have all day."

"Yes, sir." Moxxie says, his body was betraying him by shaking, and he could barely breathe, but he did his best to listen to his father.

They walk into a room with a snake demon, they didn't seem so scary, but they were still a little sketchy...or a lot, he honestly wasn't sure, he just wanted to go home.

Crimson explains the situation in as few words as possible, "I'm Crimson, this is my son, Moxxie."

The snake smiles. "Hello, Moxxssssie." This demon hissed. The demon was wearing a He/She pin on her shirt. It was strange to Moxxie, he's never seen someone use both he and she; but for some reason it did make him feel more comfortable. It made him realize this demon was still a person, not just someone who's only existence was to hurt him.

"We was recommended by a guy named Marlee. Has he filled you in?" Crimson asks.

He nods. "Yes, he did. I assume Moxxie is the little one in quessstion?" She asks.

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