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Millie leaves to visit her family for a couple days...

And Moxxie has an unexpected visitor


TW: guns, talking about therapy, panic attacks, anxiety, and depression. Intrusive thoughts, someone feeling like a burden, co-dependently, separation anxiety, trust issues, family issues, taking someone captive.

~~~Millie and Moxxie, a few months later~~~

Millie finished packing her suitcase. "You sure you'll be alright here, hun?" She asks.

Her brother and sister in law are finally having a baby shower for their second kid. They've been trying to plan this for a while, it kept getting postponed due to twisters, sickness, and genuinely forgetting about it. They've postponed it so many times that Moxxie is pretty sure the kid is four at this point.

"I'll be better here then I would be there." Moxxie says. He doesn't really get along with Millie's family, he doesn't hate them or anything, In fact, he'd probably do anything to make them like him, which is exactly why he shouldn't go. He's trying to limit his stress levels.

Millie had to go though, she'd been promising her family she'd visit them for a while, but obviously hasn't because of work, things being postponed...and mostly because of Moxxie and his issues.

She just didn't think going to wrath would be good for him.

And she definitely didn't want to leave him while he was going through...whatever it was.

"Are you sure YOU will be okay?" Moxxie asks. "You know how competitive you get when you're around your family." He reminds her.

Millie scoffs, she doesn't get THAT competitive...

Okay, she can get a little carried away when it comes to her family. But, it's not that bad...

Okay, she once broke her brothers' hand playing candyland.

In three different places...

They had to ban the game and similar ones in their house after that.

And Owen (her brother) still can't see the game without getting flashbacks of that day.

But it could definitely be worse, right?

"I'll be fine, Moxxie!" She insists. "Most baby shower games are harmless, the likelihood of killing someone is only like sixty-five percent." She says.

Moxxie raises an eyebrow. "That's reassuring." He says sarcastically.

Millie takes Moxxie's hands in hers, grabbing his full attention. "Hey, are you sure you're okay with me going?" She asks. "I can stay if you want me too, I don't have to go."

Moxxie shakes his head. "No, you should go and be with your family." He says.

"But You are my family." She argues.

"I know." Moxxie kisses her hand. "I'll be fine, I promise."

She nods. "Alright, but if you need me to come back at any time, just call me. Alright? It wouldn't bother me, you wouldn't be an inconvenience, I don't mind at all, you're my priority. I want to be with you always, alright?" She asks.

Moxxie nods, containing his anxiety as best as possible. He's a grown man, he can be without his wife for a few days...right?

"Okay. Thanks, Millie." He says.

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