The rest of the day we were putting my stuff away,nessa's room looked more cute.Milo is used to being in that room so he stays there with her and watches all the weird stuff she does

"So who has your house now?" Taty asked sipping on her juice,I chewed before speaking

"My sister" her facial expression changed "okay I hope you and my sister don't have beef"

"No we don't,we're cool..we just don't talk-I mean we acknowledge each other but you know" she said going back to eating the food we ordered

"Well you should be fine-

My phone vibrated,I picked up my phone that was next to my phone seeing it was a text message from brady.

Alcoholic Brad🙌🏼
You better get your ass down to your man's bar
Marcus is here with some friends
I think they gonna try to jump him

"Fuck!" I shouted before getting up and quickly putting my phone in my back pocket

"What's wrong?" Taty asked as she followed my actions,

"Some sick fucks are gonna try to fight miguel is what's wrong" I said walking to the closet next to the tv that has all our coats and extra stuff,I took out my black leather jacket

"I'll come with!" She said walking over to me

"No,you need to stay here with nessa-she can't see whatever happens in that bar"

"Alright fine but I'll call Mason" she said as I grabbed the front door knob

"Do that!" I pulled the door open and walked out


I hopped out the car before running into the bar seeing miguel being pinned against the bar,he wasn't even behind the bar.

Marcus had him as brady was behind the other two,he didn't know what to do since if he tried to fight one the other will sneak up

"Oh you called your girlfriend to come and save your ass?" Marcus said

"Why are you bothering him Marcus?" I said

"He keeps putting his hands on me,I wanna do the same cause I'm not no bitch-

"Well you are cause you put your hands on my daughter you sick fuck!" Miguel yelled before kneeing him in the stomach making Marcus stumble back

One of the guys punched Miguel to the ground,that triggered me.I rushed over and slapped him as hard as I can.The guy looked at me with the hand over the stinging part of his face before he did the same to me

"Oh you didn't just touch my sister!" Brady yelled while he grabbed him and tackled him down,Marcus got up glaring at miguel who was also getting up

The other guy was trying to get Brady off his friend,Marcus started walking up to miguel but stopped when the door opened revealing Mason

"Yo we got a problem?" Mason spoke,miguel took that opportunity to deck Marcus in the face knocking him to the ground.Miguel hovered over him and repeatedly kept punching him in the face

Blood splattered out of Marcus's mouth,Mason rushed over to brady and kicked the guy in the face who was trying to pull brady off

I didn't know what to do,I just stood there watching miguel being the same one from highschool would smash guy's heads into lockers for talking to me

"Mikey! ya!" I yelled,miguel stopped looking up at me out of breath..he looked at me like a child who felt guilty for breaking something

He looked back down at Marcus who was groaning as he had a broke nose and a bruise that's gonna be darker near his eye,I made my way to miguel

"He's had enough" I said not wanting him to get locked up or lose his job,he slowly got up by holding my hand.

"I'm sorry y/n-I know I wasn't to suppose to fight cause I'm trying to change-

"Hey relax" I said cupping his face, "I don't care about that anymore alright? You defended yourself and the asshole deserved it"

"So you're not mad?"

"No,I'm not..get your friends and let's get home" I told him,he nodded before turning his head to see Mason and Brady standing there as the two guys were gone

"Where'd they go?" I asked

"Little bitches ran away from the back door,come on my shift ended anyways" mason said coming up to us along with Brady,

They patted Miguel's back as we left the bar,I didn't look back cause I didn't care about Marcus.I just hope the fucker doesn't press charges cause then we could for touching my daughter..

Blessing y'all rn

Love you mwah!

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