Chapter 51: Aydin

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I stare at Taylor from across the clearing. The worst possible thing that ever could have happened just happened. The Lifeblood just fell. Its bark turned pitch black and it began to flake away like ashes.

Its falling caused more than a few trees to fall around it. I moved out of the way just in time but Klaus and Aster weren't so lucky. Dakota died seconds before the tree fell and Klaus tried to pull Aster out from the way of the falling tree but they didn't move fast enough. My knees buckle under me as I realize what just happened.

Three of my friends just died. They're dead. Crushed by the one thing that was keeping us and the Kingdom going.

"Look what you've done!" I scream at Taylor.

"I've only done what was necessary for the rise of this Kingdom," he sneers, approaching me now.

"You've brought the downfall, not the rise," I growl, walking toward him and going to meet him in the middle of the clearing. "Look around us, Taylor. Almost everyone we know is dead, thanks to you and your selfish desires! You are not my brother. I always knew you weren't a good person, but this has gone much too far."

My eyes drop to the ground, tears stinging them. My very own twin, the one person in this world that should always have my back no matter what, has betrayed us all. Stabbed us in the back, stabbed us in the front. A blood bond is the strongest of them all. Stronger than love–stronger than all of my love for Archie.

Once a blood bond is broken, though, everything collapses around it. A bond that strong isn't made to be broken. It's meant to be kept, preserved, nurtured.

And now it's time to shed some blood.

My head snaps up, my eyes narrowed, focusing on the man whom I can't even call family anymore. I grasp my knife in my pocket and hold it out in front of me. "This ends now," I snarl. I attempt to send him a thought to stop him, but it doesn't work. Makes sense, I think. No tree, no magic.

I close the distance between us and plunge the dagger into his heart. I tackle him to the ground and push the knife further into his chest. He coughs and stares deep into my eyes, a look of fear lurking within them. I stare right back at him, never breaking my gaze.

He attempts to push me off of him but I hold my ground. This can't go on any longer. Taylor coughs again, blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. "Goodbye, Taylor," I say snidely

"I love you, brother," I hear him whisper as I watch as eyes drain of their life and fall shut.

Unable to process his words, I focus on the outcome of this bittersweet moment.

It's over.

Everything is over at last!


My heart stops for a moment. Where's Archie? He wasn't near the tree when it fell. I look up, searching the clearing. On the other side of it, I see a body lying on the ground, motionless.

I leave Taylor's finally lifeless body and sprint over to the body. It's Archie. His face and arms are covered in burns. As I take the last few steps up to him, my brow furrows in worry. "Archie?" I squeak.

There's no rise and fall of his chest. There's a dagger in his gut. There's blood soaking his shirt. There's a pool of blood surrounding him.


"No!" I yell. "Archie, please, don't leave me here alone."

I fall to my knees beside him, grabbing his wrist. I can't feel a pulse. "No, no, no," I mutter.

I put my head to his chest. For a second I think I hear a heartbeat, but there's nothing. No sign of life. He's dead. I sit up and run a hand through my hair, more distressed than I've ever been before.

"This can't be happening," I say. "Archie, wake up, please." He stays motionless.

Everything hits me like a wall at that moment. He's dead. No, Archie can't be dead. He can't be. He's going to wake up. I'm just dreaming. This is all a nightmare. Archie isn't dead. "Archie, please," I choke out, tears coming to my eyes.

Reaching my hands out, I begin to shake him. "Archie! Please, Archie! Wake up! I can't lose you, please don't leave me here alone," I cry out with no one to hear me.

Everyone is dead. Everyone is gone. Klaus, Aster, Dakota... Archie can't be gone, too. The tears are running down my face now. Archie is still lying on the ground in front of me, no movement coming from him. I put my ear to his chest again and my heart drops when I hear nothing yet again.

My teeth begin to chatter as the tears fall faster, rolling off my cheeks and onto Archie's chest. I take in heaving breaths but to no avail, I can barely get enough air into my lungs. I start crying so hard that I'm not even making a sound. My silent sobs start to turn into screams, yells, horrible wails of agony.

I fall forward onto Archie's lifeless body and wrap my arms around him. As I tighten my grip on him, I bite my lip, desperately trying to keep myself from crying more. "Archie," I whisper. "I never got to tell you 'I love you'. What am I going to do now? You were the one person that made me feel safe, protected, loved. So many people despised me but you always had my back. Where do I go now?"

I receive no answer. Nothing but silence. It envelops me as I restart my silent weeping, my heart crying out and wrenching in grief.

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