Chapter 13: Taylor

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This cell smells like blood. Reeks of it, actually. It's too dark to see any stains as there are no windows anywhere in here, but there's no doubt that I'm surrounded by them and most likely sitting on them. I'm not usually one to get grossed out by things like this but the thought of blood stains around me, paired with the foul stench that engulfs me is just about enough to make me sick.

It's been a week since I was thrown in here–at least I think. It's difficult to keep track of time without seeing the sun. I have no idea how long it's going to be until I get out but I'm wishing on all my stars that it's soon. It already feels like I've been stuck here forever. I want to get out.

The door is made of wood so logically, I tried to burn it. Unfortunately, I learned quickly that magic doesn't work down here. Feeling cold is something I'm being forced to get used to once again. This cell is so dingy and the stone is always freezing to the touch. I keep shivering and wishing for just a little bit of warmth.

It took me a while to get my eyes adjusted to the light–or lack thereof–but I'm able to see basic forms at this point, like my hand in front of me.

A guard comes and gives a very small portion of food once a day and then I don't see anybody else for the rest of the day. The only thing I can do is replay the events with Aydin and Archie over and over in my head. It just makes me angry every time, seeing how I was outsmarted by my brother once again. I thought I had gotten him this time. I was supposed to come out on top. I'm always supposed to be on top. I'm the superior twin with the better ability, more people behind me, a popular reputation.

When Aydin came home, I was shocked about how he looked. All those cuts and the nasty scars on his back. It makes me fear for my life down here. What's going to happen to me?

It's not like Archie had a real reason for throwing me in here other than the petty fact that he's in love with my brother and I hurt both Aydin and Archie himself. My sentence has already been served by Aydin, so that should cancel out my sentencing. Right? I'm only in here because someone is butthurt over my little slip up. It wasn't really in my thought out plan to have Aydin get arrested, but it's just how things played out. It's not my fault we were identical.

I can't say we are now. He looks absolutely terrible. His hair is down to his shoulders and I don't think there's an area on him where there isn't a scar now. His looks were his only redeeming quality before. Now he doesn't even have that. What a pity.

It makes me wonder why Archie still cares about him. There's no physical appeal. I have no idea what he sees in my brother, but he's obviously in love. In love with me or Aydin is where things get messy. He was in love with me as Aydin, wasn't he? So therefore, he loves me now. But if he threw me into the dungeon right after finding out I was lying, he's in love with Aydin.

This is making my brain run in circles.

Maybe he's just in love with the idea of Aydin. Archie better make up his damn mind or move on from the both of us. I'd rather he stay with me, but I highly doubt that's going to happen now that the truth has been exposed.

Archie seems to hate my guts after this whole lying debacle. I don't fully understand why. It was just a little fib to protect my freedom. He loved me for three months, didn't he? Why stop now all because of my stupid twin?

Archie is going down the second I make it out of here. He's putting me through a lot of emotional and romantic turmoil right now. I don't see how he could just throw me away like this. After the time we shared together, I really thought that even after learning the truth about the twin swap, he would still love me.

It seems as if I was wrong.

Looks like I have to do something about that. Either I win him back or I pound him into the ground. I'll see how my prison stay goes. Then I'll decide whether or not Archie deserves to live after all he's done to me. He practically led me on. He made me think that the love was real and look where it got me.

For some reason, I still crave for what I had with him. I might just have to get it back once I'm out of this disgusting hellhole. 

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