Chapter 41: Archie

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When Trey's body fell to the ground after Aydin stabbed him, I knew Marshall had to be the next to go. There is no way that anyone on Christian's side is making it out of here alive. With my focus locked on Marshall, I throw him back about ten feet, only using my eyes this time. With practice, I hope to be able to throw people much farther than ten feet using my eyes. "You're an idiot," I say to Marshall.

"I could say the same to you," he replies as he stands up and brushes off his pants.

"At least I'm no longer fooled by Christian. I mean, you won't be either, soon," I taunt, laughing.

He runs toward me but I just extend my index finger and push him back a few feet. "Like I said. Idiot."

Klaus runs past me in his wolf form, charging at Marshall. "I'm so sorry," Klaus blurts out before he jumps on Marshall. The two of them fight for a bit, yelling at each other all the while. Klaus calls Marshall a traitor, Marshall calls Klaus a "good-for-nothing fiend". The bickering goes back and forth before Klaus' jaws close on Marshall's neck, twisting it to the side, snapping it. The sound of his bones and windpipe cracking makes me wince. When I turn around, I see Aster lying on the ground but Aydin, Christian, and Taylor are all nowhere to be seen. Dakota rushes out from behind a tree and Aster appears next to me. Klaus shifts back into a human and walks over to us.

"Where did Christian, Taylor, and Aydin go?" I ask, running around the area. With how dark it is, I can't see anything.

Dakota points west. "I saw them go that way, but I got a terrible headache and my vision got really blurry. I healed myself but by the time I opened my eyes, they were gone."

"Shit, this is bad," I mumble. "Is everyone here okay?"

The three nod. "I think we should get home. This took a toll on all of us, even if we're physically sound," Klaus says, sounding sorrowful.

"Good idea," I say in agreement. "But what do we do about Aydin? We need to get him back."

"It's too dark. We're just going to get ourselves lost in the forest," Dakota says.

Klaus nods. "We can go first thing tomorrow morning."

I run a hand down my face. What are they planning on doing with Aydin? He's endured enough pain for one lifetime. More than enough, for sure. "First thing tomorrow. Get up bright and early. Make sure you get good rest," I say to the crew.

Dakota, Aster, and Klaus begin walking back to the village. I hesitate for a moment before following them, seriously considering trying to find Aydin now. Who knows what's going to happen to him?

"I'm sorry things are so insane, Archie. Things shouldn't be going the way that they are," Dakota says, his voice comforting.

I begin walking behind the three and Klaus says, "As long as we're all fine. We'll get through this together."

I look down at the ground. "I hope so..."

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