Master And Servent At The Table

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After finding a house suitable for the Prince, Bo fell asleep in the windowsill as soon as he got comfortable. Nothing much happened in the week they stayed in the village, just Askeladd forming plans and continuing to woo Lady Luck.

Early this morning Willibald took cone head and princess to pray. There was a small cross sticking out from the snow, Willibald, Ragnar, and Canute kneeling in front of it.

The twins sat a few feet away, cleaning their blades to perfection like they always do. "Are they bored, or just assholes?" Thorfinn asked. "Must be bored out of their mind if they're praying to the air and some sticks." Bo said back, sheathing one knife and taking out the other.

Thorfinn's stomach rumbled. "We need to go hunting soon." Bo nodded in agreement, but before he could respond Canute yelled. "Silence!" Bo's eyebrows rised a fraction. "Didn't know he could speak that loud." Bo saw the ghost of a smile on his brothers face, but vanished fast as lighting. "Just a few weeks ago he was mute, and now he's using his big boy voice."

But the mood was ruined by Canute's voice carrying over to them. "There is no father who does not love his own son!" And with that Canute walked away, Ragnar following him. Bo's chest ached, he hadn't thought about his father in years, the memories too painful. He saw Thorfinn look down, the same sadness in his eyes. "Father." The younger twin said in a small voice.

Thorfinn's rumbling stomach brought them back down to earth. Bo stood. "Let's go. We need to get food." Thorfinn wordlessly followed. They stopped by the house they took residency in to grab their cloaks before going out to the forest. The twins were only out for an hour before they came back to the house with two rabbits in hand.

As they approached the house, cone head was outside the door. "Oho! Quite fine looking rabbits. You caught these, Bo, Thorfinn?" Bo just rolled his eyes and turned away, he'd rather cook this in the freezing forest than in the house. 'Nope, just got this rabbit from the fucking market.'

"Is that to be your dinner? Do you always eat alone? Will you cook it?" The brothers just kept walking. 'Why does he ask so many damn questions?' Bo thought with another eye roll. "What if we will?" Thorfinn quipped.

"A meal of meat alone isn't healthy. Stew it with greens. The juice of the meat will make this wilted cabbage more palatable. Without vegetables, you'll grow tired faster, especially at this time of year." Ragnar informed. "Hand over the rabbit, and I'll make a soup of it." He gestured to the door with his head.

"Mind your own business. We'll eat it exactly as we like." Bo snarled. Ragnar opened the door. "Just come here, boys. You'll need to borrow someone's fire anyway, won't you? So come inside and use ours." Bo and Thorfinn looked at each other and had a silent conversation, with a sigh they followed Ragnar into the house.

"Highness! We have beans, cabbage and a hare." Cone heads voice went up a pitch in excitement. "A hare?" Canute asked. "Bo and Thorfinn caught it. We'll put it in the soup." The sight in front of them made Bo's eyes damn near pop out of his head. The Prince had his hair tied back and was crouched on the ground, ladle in hand. Was a Prince cooking?!

"Well done. Bleed and skin it so we can wash the meat." Canute instructed. With a small nod, Bo followed the Prince's order. After giving the cleaned meat to the Prince, the brothers sat at the table and watched the Prince and Ragnar skillfully make a stew. Bo felt like royalty, he hadn't had anyone make him a meal in years.

Before Bo knew it, there was a steaming bowl of food in front of him. Bo was skeptical of the quality of the food, not knowing if it'd be any good. "Mmfh." Ragnar hummed. "Not bad, considering what we had." Canute nodded. "The rabbit made it work. I'm tired of salted meat. You both have my thanks."

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