╬ 007; Losing You ╬

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"Gonna be honest, Derek, when Ennis died, i thought to myself, i'd just go for it, find you and kill you." Kali says, leaning against the doorway.

"Then i remembered, how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and i thought, 'what's a girl gotta do to get you alone'."

"You and me, Derek...or they rip her apart." Kali smirks.

Ethan and Aiden was seen standing behind Kali, their claws holding onto Jennifer Blake, who seemed scared out of her wits.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Ivanna whispers to herself, looking at the woman in confusion.

Derek growls, his eyes glowing a crimson red color, fangs out, roaring powerfully at the female Alpha.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth!" Derek roared loudly.


Kali was seen sliding down some support beams with her barefoot, her kicking Derek in his face, who seemed weak as it was.

Aiden and Ethan went after Boyd and Isaac.

Kali concentrated all of her power on Derek, that she didn't see or think that anyone would come at her.

Ivanna's body was seen flying in the air, her foot connecting with the side of Kali's head, knocking the woman down.

Kali growls at the Beta, who seemed more angry than anything.

"You think you can beat me? I'm an Alpha!" Kali announced, going straight at her.

Kali got her claws out, going straight at her, but Ivanna bit onto her leg, making the woman roar in pain.

Kali then breathed in anger, glaring at the Beta.

"You must have a lot of vengeance blood in you, don't you, Ivanna?" Kali smirks.

"Don't stop, Anna, don't stop!" Isaac calls out.

"I would say i am sorry for killing your precious Erica, but...then i'd be lying." Kali mockingly says.

Kali used Ivanna's shocking state as a distraction and went to her, grabbing her by her throat, slamming her against the wall.

Kali placed a clawed feet on Ivanna's side, a disgusted look on Ivanna's face as she stared at her feet.

"Have you thought about getting those things cleaned out?" Ivanna shuddered.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali angrily hissed.

"Someone who's in desperate need of a pedicure." Ivanna smiles.

Kali went to do something, but Ivanna growls biting her in her arm, the woman howling in pain, Ivanna shoving her away.

"Leave him alone!" Ivanna kicked Ethan on the side of his neck, making him let go of her brother.

"Hello, sweetie." Kali mockingly says.

Kali then pulled the lever, putting on the light, Boyd somehow ended up in the electrified water.

"Boyd!" Isaac shouts in horror.

"No, no!" Ivanna tried to get close.

Aiden and Ethan were both seen impaling Boyd through his back and front, Kali throwing him away from them, a careless look in her eyes.

Ivanna quickly sped over to Boyd, holding onto his body before it could hit the ground.

Kali's angered eyes glared at a saddened and guilt of conscious Derek Hale.

"I'm giving you until the next Full Moon, Derek, make the smart choice, Derek, join the pack...or next time, i'm killing all of you!" Kali threateningly says.

Kali, Ethan and Aiden soon left the Hale pack alone, with their dying pack member.


Ivanna held onto Boyd's hands, her trying her best to take his pain, but she wasn't feeling anything.

"I-i can't...i can't take away your pain." Ivanna felt tears prickling her eyes.

"That's 'cause it doesn't hurt." Boyd whispers out weakly.

"Boyd? Am i losing you? I don't wanna lose you too." Ivanna sniffles.

Months ago, a dying Erica was seen lying on your vault with a weakened Boyd.

"Please tell her to move on, tell her i love her, please." Erica weakly breathe out.

"She wants you to move on, Anna, and she wants you to know that she loves you very much, and even...even when she was dying, she had the image of you painted in her mind."

As Erica laid dying, the blonde's eyes was seen closing in and the last thing she could've think of was the smiling face of her one true love.

Ivanna Lahey.

"I-i'm sorry." Derek stammered out sadly at Boyd.

"It's okay, it is." Boyd weakly coughed.

"Promise that you'll move on, promise that you won't be stuck in the pass, thinking of her?" Boyd weakly whispers, grasping onto Ivanna's hand.

"Boyd." Ivanna sobs.

"Promise me, she'd want to move on, Anna, that hope...is just hope, move on, please." Boyd weakly pleads.

"O-kay, okay." Ivanna chocked out.

Ivanna hugged Boyd's body, her softly sobbing in his neck.

Cora and Stiles had come rushing inside, only to see this scene, Cora instantly becoming angered and sad.

Stiles feeling sympathy for the pack.

Ivanna then felt herself being pulled away from Boyd's dead body, her into the arms of Stiles.

Stiles rubbed her back up and down comfortingly, as the girl sobbed into him.

Ivanna slowly looked up at him, seeing his flannel shirt getting wet.

"Sorry." Ivanna apologized, going to pull away.

"It's okay, go ahead, go ahead and cry, it's okay." Stiles soothed, pulling her back in.

Stiles' hands was wrapped around her waist comfortingly, Ivanna's hands around his neck, her chim on his shoulder.

Her brown eyes glisten with tears, as she felt herself wrapped in Stiles' warmth embrace.



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