╬ 012; Saviour ╬

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Last night, Ivanna Lahey was seen softly gasping, her eyes opening quickly, revealing her bright golden eyes that seemed to be glowing, her then sitting up, her eyes then changed back to her normal dark brown eyes.

Ivanna was then seen getting up, her then standing up, robotically walking out of the area, not being noticed by Stiles or Lydia.

Stiles was unconscious so he didn't notice her, whilst Lydia was sobbing her life out.

Lydia then soon realized that someone was missing, her seeing no sign of Ivanna.

"Ivanna?" Lydia whispers out.

"Ivanna!" Lydia calls out.


Inside the Sheriff's station, Jordan Parrish, one of Sheriff Stilinski's newest deputy was seen sitting behind a desk, his hands placed onto the desk, looking at someone in front of him.

"Is that how you remembered it, Ivanna?" Parrish questioned.

Ivanna leaned back on the chair, staring right at him.

"Are you telling me the truth? What happened with your friend, Allison?" Parrish softly asks.

Ivanna looked down at her fingernails, then slowly looked at the man, a look that slightly creeped the man out.

"Allison wasn't my friend, she was anything but a friend, why would i even care? I already told you what happened." Ivanna harshly says.


"Are you going to let me go? Because, there's some place that i need to be." Ivanna coldly says.

Ivanna then got up, glaring right at him, her then getting ready to walk away, but then got stopped by the Deputy.

Ivanna then latched her hand onto his throat, slamming him on his back into a table, him rolling off of the table in a weakened state.

The deputy was seeing blurry lines, Ivanna growling lowly at him, he could've sworn he saw her eyes flashing a golden color.


Alan Deaton was seen walking through the animal clinic, him making his way out of the clinic, and just in time he had seen Ivanna Lahey standing a couple yards apart from him, a lit up match right in front of her eyes, a dark smirk placed onto her lips.

Deaton stares at her for a while, him then rushing towards her, blowing onto the fire, then throwing it aside.

"Ivanna." Deaton calmly says.

"Get away from me." Ivanna growls.

Ivanna then took out a lighter, crazily staring into the fire. "I have to do this."

"Ivanna, you don't know what you're doing-." Deaton tried to knock some sense into her.

"Yes, i need to, for Erica, and Boyd, this town has brought me nothing but pain, my father, my mother, my older brother, Erica and Boyd! All are dead, i don't care about this town, not anyone in it, not anymore." Ivanna heavily breaths out, water pooling in her eyes.

"Now, you're going to stand there while i set this town on fire and everyone goes poof, it's going to be fun!" Ivanna sadistically laughed out.

"Ivanna, no, stop!" Deaton grabbed onto her, the girl fighting with him.

"Oh, this is going to hurt." Deaton  softly sighs.

Ivanna then screams out in agony, feeling fire being inflicted in her body, the girl crashing onto the floor, a firefly seeping out of her body, Deaton quickly catching it in a jar.

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