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We arrive to the restaurant where we are going to meet Lorenzo. We head inside the restaurant no one was here only waiters and chefs.

We sat down by the window. A waiter came by asking what would we like to drink we both say water she nodded and left.

"So quick question why do you need Lorenzo?" Adriano ask

"That none of your business" i said

Adriano nodded, and the waiter came back with our drinks. She ask us if we wanted something to eat we both said no.

10 minutes go by Lorenzo still haven't show up i was about to lose my patience.

"Can you text him if he's still coming" i ask Adriano.

"Sure" he smile.

Five minutes goes by there was no sign of Lorenzo at all i was about to leave. When the restaurant door open seeing him, he was a lot finer in person. Stop you have a boyfriend.

He walk over to us and sat down.



They both shake each other hands, Lorenzo look at me with a blank face. I took my hands out waiting for him to shake it. But he didn't asshole.

"Lorenzo this is Avianna, avianna this is Lorenzo." Adriano introduce us to each other.

"Why I'm here again?" Lorenzo ask in a monotone.

"Avianna wants to talk to you about something" Adriano answer his question.

"Okay spite it out, I don't have all day" he said harshly.

"I guess someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed today?"

Adriano chuckle.

"Well anyways mr Bianchi me and my investors think it a good idea for your company and my company collaborate together. Since our company is very great and it would bring a lot of attention if we collaborate." I fake smile.

"This was the thing that was fucking important?" he ask

"Of course what else would it be?" I raise my eyebrows.

He didn't say anything

"So yes or no?" I ask

"I'll think about it" he said while getting up.

"There no I'll think about it, it either yes or no" i said in a angry tone.

He look at me his deep grey eyes there was no emotion behind it."I said I'm going think about it" he said in a cold tone.

"Well that thinking needs to hurry the fuck up. Next week I better get a phone call from you" i smile.

Lorenzo nodded than left. Yea he know better.

I look back Adriano who was already looking at me.

"He's not going think about it" he sigh

"Trust me I'm going make him think about it" i smirk

"Yeah sure"

We both left the restaurant, walking to his car he open the door for me. once I got inside he close the door and goes to  the driver seat.

He started his car and left the place. During the ride home soft music was playing in the background.

20 minutes we arrive to my house, i thank Adriano before leaving his car. And I walk to the front of the door, unlocking it and close the door behind me.

I walk into the kitchen seeing my sister and dad cooking their we're having a good time. I kinda wish i had a father and daughter relationship. My father treat me like shit, he don't even claim me as his daughter.

Anastasia looked at me and smile

"Avi come cook with us" she said happily.

Before I could say anything dad said something.

"No Asia,avianna is clearly busy right Avianna?"

No bitch I'm not fucking busy. I didn't actually say that.

"Yes father" i reply.

Anastasia nodded and went back to cutting the food. I look at them one more time before going upstairs to my room.

I open the door seeing my best friend aurora laying on my bed while watching tv.

She look at me and smile.

"I'm here" she said happily.

"I can see"

"So how's was the meeting?" She ask

I walk over to her and sat down.

"It was fucking terrible?" i said with frustration.

"What happen?" She ask while sitting up.

"Lorenzo was fucking late and a asshole" i said in annoyance.

"Damn, but are you guys are friends now?" She ask.

"Rory i just meet the idiot so no" I answer.

"But Did you find the idiot cute?" Aurora ask while smirking.

"Cute is not for him but probably handsome greek god than yes" I smile a little.

"Don't fall for him" she giggle

"did you not forget I have a boyfriend?" I ask.

"You still with tony, thought y'all was finally over" she sigh.

"We was over but he apologize to me like the 10th time" I answered.


Few hours later.

Me and aurora are both getting ready for bed since it's one and i have a meeting very early tomorrow.

"Can you hurry get out the bathroom" she whine.

"Be patient love" i yell

Few seconds I left the bathroom, aurora quickly ran to the bathroom and closing the door.

I just shake my head.

I got onto my bed and pulling the covers on my body. I grab my book and read few pages.

Aurora came out the bathroom with a big smile on her face.

"That shit was so good" she said while getting on the bed.

I look at her in disgust

"Sometimes you need to keep something to yourself" i said

She roll her eyes.

She then kiss my cheek and said goodnight before letting slumber take over.

Me in the other hand was still reading my book.

It call One of us is lying, it really a good book.

I yawn a bit as I read some pages

My eyes were started to close

But I open them again.

"Don't fall asleep Ava" but guess what i fucking fell asleep.

Hey guys you should read one of us is lying it so good.

Make sure to eat something and drink water.



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