Aincrad Pt. 19: Calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

Johnny: Come on XaXa, learn to live a little.

PoH: Enough banter. Now we'll return to base and wait.

While the three murderers were plotting U/n's downfall, he was frantically racing to the one person he knew he could still trust, Kirito. Upon reaching Algade, he charged through the streets until he was at the building where the Black Swordsman resided in.

(U/n pov)

I frantically banged on Kirito's door hoping that he was home. My prayers were answered when the door creaked open to reveal him there.

Kirito: U/n?

"Kirito listen, I know you may not trust me anymore but I still trust you and right now, you may be the only person I can still trust. Please, you've gotta listen to me" I said

Kirito: Geez, something must've happened to get you this riled up. I've got a guest right now, but you can wait in the living room.

"Thanks," I said

I entered his home and sat in one of the chairs facing the window. As soon as I did, I heard a second pair of footsteps. I looked up to see a surprised Asuna. Putting two and two together, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she was doing there, but I didn't care about that.

Kirito: Whatever it is that's got you this badly afraid, I think it's something we both need to hear.

Asuna: You aren't going to try and convince us to rush things again, are you?

"That's literally the last thing I care about right now," I said

Asuna: Then what is it?

"It's Laughing Coffin. They're back. PoH showed up at my door and attempted to blackmail me. I initially blew him off, but then he said he'd known where I lived for a while now. He threatened to make me watch as he violated and killed Koharu before killing me if I didn't join him and he gave me a day to make a decision" I said

They both looked at me in shock. From the expressions they wore, they hadn't been expecting this. Where before they'd been slightly annoyed, they were now extremely serious.

"Do either of you know where Koharu is right now? If he was able to spy on me undetected, chances are he has someone doing the same to her" I said

Asuna: She's safe. I let her stay in my room at Grandzam. No one is getting in there without a fight, so don't worry.

"Good. Now we need to figure out how to put an end to them for good" I said

Kirito: What are you suggesting?

"We need to find out where they're holed up and launch an all-out attack. Kill or capture, as long as we end them, it doesn't matter" I said

Asuna: Where would we even begin looking? We haven't the faintest clue where they'd be hiding.

"We know they love ambushing people. Where's a good place to do that from? What floor would provide a well-hidden spot for a base that also provided the perfect ambush location?" I asked

They both went quiet while they thought about it. I thought as hard as I could before it suddenly came to me.

"I've got it. It's probably a long shot, but it's the only thing I could come up with" I said

Kirito: What are you thinking?

"Remember Floor 65?" I asked

Kirito: The one with the suspended platforms above the walkways?

"That's the one," I said

Kirito: And you think they're hiding there?

"Think about it. The higher platforms would be the perfect place to set a trap from. All they'd have to do is wait until we walked right under them and then jump down. It's the perfect place" I said

Asuna: Even if you're right, no one would believe you.

"They will if I tell them what PoH told me," I said

Kirito: That's not a good idea. If he knew where you lived and everything that's gone on with you the past several months, he's likely got a spy within one of the guilds, likely the Knights of the Bloodoath.

Asuna: We would've noticed anything suspicious about new members. Plus, the commander always runs a background check on each potential member before officially recruiting them.

"You have to consider the possibilities Asuna. They could have a mole in every major guild and we wouldn't know it. Kuradeel is a prime example. You had no idea who he really was until he revealed it to you. They could have spies everywhere. Deception, manipulation, and murder are their specialties after all" I said

Kirito: Okay, calm down U/n. We'll talk to Heathcliff and see what he thinks. In the meantime, it's not safe for you to go back home. You can stay here as long as you need. We'll meet with the commander in the morning.

"But by then time will have run out," I said

Kirito: Chances are he's bluffing to get this exact reaction out of you. He wants you to be afraid and therefore disoriented. He's trying to break you down bit by bit and this is how he's doing it. We'll do everything we can to get a raid together, but until then, don't leave this place unless it's with one of us. Got that?

"Yeah," I said

Kirito: Good. You can take the spare bedroom.

"Thanks. Oh, and Asuna? I'm sorry for being a dick earlier today. I'm just on edge about being so close to the end" I said

Asuna: I don't blame you, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You seriously hurt Koharu with what you said. Make apologizing and repairing your relationship with her your top priority while we plan out how to deal with Laughing Coffin.

"I will," I said

Asuna: Good. Now it's time to get to bed. We'll see you tomorrow.

"Sure thing," I said

Kirito: I'll show you to the spare room. Follow me.

I followed him down the hall where he opened a door and stepped aside. Inside the room was a bed, a small desk with a light, and a chair. There was also an armor stand in the corner with a weapon rack on the wall.

Kirito: There's food in the fridge, so help yourself if you get hungry. The meeting with Heathcliff will likely take most of the day, so make sure you're here at all times.

"I will. Thank you for believing me Kirito. I wouldn't have bothered you if it was about anything else, but this is the one thing I can't handle alone" I said

Kirito: I get it. You were afraid and didn't know what to do. Im just glad you came to someone for help this time instead of running away like you did last time.

"Yeah. That was..." I trailed off

Kirito: Stupid?

"Yeah, that's it," I said

Kirito: Look U/n, I will do everything in my power to help you, but I need you to hold up your end. I know your thing is being the lone wolf, but we need you to work with us by following the rules. Can you do that?

"I'll try my best," I said

Kirito: Good. That's all I ask. Now get some sleep. God knows you need it. Goodnight U/n.

"Yeah, goodnight," I said

He closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room. I took my armor and weapons off before placing them on the racks. Once I was in my casual outfit, I sat on the bed and stared out the window at the night sky.

For some reason, my mind wandered to my parents for the first time since I told Silica about them. I'd hoped that my being locked away in here would bring them together in some way. All I could hope for was to see their faces when I inevitably escaped Aincrad.

SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Cinders of AincradWhere stories live. Discover now