Cal could feel the fury building within him. He imagined himself physically dragging her from his home, from his life. Why had he mentioned the word, divorce? Of course, she wouldn't be willing to do anything that might make him happy. He should've known.

Dinah smiled sweetly. "By the way, did you have a nice trip to Spokane?" She asked. "I can't imagine there being anything to do there."

He blinked in surprise. "How did you know I went to Spokane?"

She casually shrugged. "I suppose you must've found some way to entertain yourself while you were there."

He looked at her for a moment longer, trying to think of something to say but all that ran through his head was the realization that she must have been having him followed. There was no other way she could've known about the trip.

"Please leave my room now," Dinah said, making a shooing gesture with her hands.

Cal turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him. He put his face in his hands and took a deep breath. Trapped. He was entirely trapped and it was all his own doing.


Sarah rested her head on Pat's chest, peaceful and content, while he absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair. The room was cloaked in darkness and she had no idea what time it was. But whether it was early or late, it didn't matter to her.

With Pat still unable to return to work, a honeymoon had been entirely out of the question. Sarah was more than fine with it; the memory of her last honeymoon was too close to the forefront of her mind. But Kate offered to take John for a few days, leaving them with the house to themselves, and John had excitedly agreed with an enthusiasm that almost felt insulting. The result was a quiet house and plenty of time alone.

Sarah could sense Pat's mind wandering, his thoughts somewhere else entirely. She lifted her head slightly and studied his face. "Where are you?" She quietly asked.

"What? Oh, Sorry." He sighed, his hand pausing in her hair. "I was only thinkin'."

"About what?"

"Nothin' important."

Sarah made a face. "I'm a bit insulted that you're not thinking about me, to be honest."

"I'm thinkin' about ye now," he murmured. He ran his hand down her back.

Sarah leaned in and kissed him. Then, she turned onto her side to face him, propping her head up with her hand. "I sometimes wonder what you were like before...before we met," she mused.

His expression grew serious. "How do ye know I wasn't the same as I am now?"

"Because I think we all changed," she replied. "Also, your sister's told me a bit."

"Ye shouldn't be believin' everythin she says about me."

"I don't," she assured him. "Which is why I'm asking you."

Silently, Pat took her hand and brought it to his lips.

"Pat," Sarah continued. "Tell me about your family, at least."

He sighed. "I have an older brother and sister still back in Ireland. They're only half-siblings though and much older so I don't know them all that well. Me da was a widower when he met me mam," he explained. "And then there's Katie but ye know her well enough."

"You're lucky you have Kate. I have no brothers or sisters which made for sort of a lonely life growing up." She let her thoughts drift back to her childhood. "At least until John moved in next door." His arrival had changed everything.

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