𝟒𝟔 | ❄️𝑬𝒙𝒂𝒎𝒔: 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏!❄️

28 2 0

A/N: It's been over a month... again-
I swear I'm gonna get better with the updates (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)

But, in the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this chapter! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

When I wake up, I'm greeted by the warm sunlight seeping through my closed curtains. And a few minutes later, the obnoxious ringtone of my alarm. Though, it's only audible in one ear. I shift in my spot, turning to face my nightstand and grab my phone off the wooden surface. Staring at the screen, I only feel more exhausted once I see the message written below the alarm. Today's yet another long, excruciating day of our exams. The previous week - and this week - I've been so busy, it almost slipped my mind.

Dropping my phone beside me on the mattress, I groan tiredly as I throw the covers off my body and sit up on my bed. My hands clutch the side of my mattress as I stare at the wall ahead. Today's the fourth day of the exams. We've already completed the written exams, so now we're moving onto the practical. I remember Himari saying Midoriya heard that we'd be fighting the robots our classmates did in the entrance exams - which also happen to be the same ones we fought in the obstacle course at the sports festival.

Reaching towards my nightstand, I grab my hearing aid and put it back on before pushing myself off my bed and groggily walking over to my closet to grab my uniform out. I lock my bedroom door then pull my shirt off and begin to change. This way of getting ready in the morning has become something of a routine for me. Though that's to be expected as it's been just under two months since Himari and I joined U.A..

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I scurry into the bathroom across the hallway and stop in front of the mirror. A tired yawn escapes my lips, and it's then I decide to splash some cold water on my face to wake me up a little. Grabbing my hairbrush from the small cabinet on the wall, as well as a hair tie, I begin to put my hair up in a simple, loose ponytail.

Just as I'm about to head downstairs, I remember my bracelet. I walk back into my room and slip the cold, silver metal onto my wrist before making my way downstairs for breakfast. My Aunt, wide awake as ever, greets me with a smile and tells me to take a seat as breakfast will be done soon. With nothing much to do, my mind draws a blank as I wait for whatever my Aunts cooking.

The past three days, I'd distract myself by helping my aunt with breakfast because I was, admittedly, a little bit nervous about the written exams. The first day wasn't entirely bad. I woke up and was just nervous for them, but the following two days began to make me question if I'm stupid. As soon as I'd get home, I'd be going over what we hadn't done for the next day, and would think back on my answers to the questions. Were they right? Did I get the slightest thing wrong or forget to show how I'd worked out certain problems? For how little time it was, I was a wreck in terms of questioning myself, nerves, and anxiety.

But today, while I do have the issue of thinking back on yesterday's answers and problems, I'm also feeling a little excited. The practical means I get to blow off a little steam, and since we'll be fighting the robots, I won't have to hold back in slicing them in two. Or in as many little bits and pieces I want. It will definitely be fun, that's for sure. Maybe it'll help boost my confidence aswell? I haven't had much time to train at all recently. I've barely even touched my punching bag. Which is unusual for me, to say the least.

By the time dad - exhausted from the previous day of work - and a happy Yuya arrive in the kitchen, breakfast is ready to be served. Eggs, bacon, and toast with any fruit we've got set in the wooden bowl on the table. Which is mostly what you'd expect - apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, pears, etc. Yuya, however, opts to reach into the fridge and grab two small watermelon slices. I take my time eating, in no rush since it'll take some time for Himari to get here. After the first two weeks of school, I decided to set my alarm fifteen minutes earlier so I'd have time to do simple things like eat breakfast with my family instead of grabbing something that'll barely keep me full for the first half of the day and dashing off. It also means I can just stare at a wall for no reason when it's just one of those mornings.

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