Guilty Party

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On watch duty, Red peered out from the enclosed space at the side of the diner known to them as The Hide. Decorated to look like a battered old storage unit, whoever was on watch could take advantage of the almost 360 degree view through long thin slits cut into the wood. The roof extended beyond the walls, casting a shadow that both disguised the openings and prevented the sun from blinding the occupants. The lack of sunshine entering the structure offered another crucial advantage of keeping the interior of The Hide relatively cool while outside temperatures soared. Despite this, it was not without its drawbacks - the limited ventilation frequently resulted in stifling humidity, which would often feel suffocating. It was yet another issue on Ghoul's long list of projects - if he returned.

The early start and the shock of the aftermath of Ghoul's departure had taken its toll on Red. Within The Hide, Red's shoulders sagged and her eyes drooped as she fought against the closeness of the heated air surrounding her. Resting her elbow onto a ledge below the viewing slits, she rested her chin in her cupped hand and slumped into it. Behind her, the door opened and she jarred, momentarily wondering if she had fallen asleep.

"Hey," Kobra said, joining her and offering a small bottle of water. "Want company?"

"Thanks, I thought you were coming to tell me my watch was over," Red sat back in the seat before unscrewing the top of the bottle.

"Over?" Kobra laughed. "It's only been ten minutes."

"It has not!" Red almost choked on the words as she tried simultaneously to swallow the water "It's been at least..." Checking her watch, Red frowned before looking up once more, "fifteen minutes," she added with an embarrassed pout. "Anyway, I thought you'd be keeping Party company."

Kobra shook his head slowly and shrugged with a deep, weary sigh.

"Keep Party company?" He scoffed. "You don't know him well enough yet," he rolled his eyes at the idea. "He's not big on sharing pain. It's not even that he wants to be pitied. He could have ten times as much on his mind and we'd never know."

Unaware of how close he was to the truth, Kobra jerked his head up, squinting as movement caught his eye. Taking Kobra's lead, Red peered out through the slits to see a distant cloud of dust moving closer by the second.

"It's Jet!" She cried, a hopeful air raising her spirits.

"It might be, but we should alert Party in case it's trouble."

It was fair to say that at this distance they couldn't actually see what type of vehicle was approaching, let alone the trans am, even with its distinctive markings, but there was something about the patterns of sand and grit billowing behind it that Red felt she recognised. Forced up into the air by the wide tyres streaking along the dust covered asphalt, the swirling grey shapes almost seemed to move in an elongated and undulating figure of eight, as graceful as it was chaotic. Red slapped her palm down onto a large red button inside the disguised shelter. Regardless of whether it was the trans am or another approaching vehicle, Kobra was right, Party would need to be aware.

Keeping their eyes on the vehicle as it neared, she inhaled deeply with relief at the outline of a trans am emerged from the cloud and further confirmed once they spotted the spider motif emblazoned on the hood. The one thing giving them pause was that, at least as yet, there was no sign of the motorbike following leaving them to risk the hope that Jet and Ghoul were both in the car. She and Kobra had virtually promised Party that Jet would bring Ghoul back. It seemed almost unthinkable that he wouldn't manage to convince him to return, but now as the car drew closer, Red experienced a pronounced sinking feeling in her stomach. It was clear now there was only one occupant.

"I'll let him know," Kobra announced as he stood up.

"Let him know what?" Red asked, her voice subdued as she imagined Party's reaction to the news that Ghoul had not returned.

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