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"So," Party strung out the word as he leaned on the counter, the radio receiver in one hand and a now half drunk coffee in the other, "Blue, do you think you'd be able to do that?"

"Yeah," Blue Flame replied with a deep yawn. "I take it I've got time to get dressed first?"

"Er, yeah," Party grimaced, waiting for the angry response to his next words. "They're not due at Gatehouse 7 until about nine o'clock."

"Nine o'clock?" Came the stone cold reply; a sudden change from the sleepy discussion just moments earlier.

"Yeah, Gatehouse 7," he repeated with deep uncertainty over her reaction.

"You know, it's funny," she continued with a forced laugh, "because I could have sworn you said nine o'clock, but I know that can't be right because it's six o'fucking clock!" she replied, screaming the last three words causing Party to jolt backwards away from the receiver.

"Yeah, I'm er... I'm sorry about that," he began.

"Not sorry enough to call at eight though, are you?" She snapped. "What is it, Party? I'm up so everyone's up? You're somehow in a different time zone and got confused? What?"

"I... I've got something to deal with here," he offered a tentative reply. "I wanted to..."

"What? What's so damn important that you had to get me up at stupid o'clock in the morning to ask for recon of all things?"

"He's got a lot of make up sex to do," Red called on the way out of the kitchen with a plate of sandwiches.

"Wait... what?" Party gasped. "No! That's..."

"Damn, Party, why didn't you just say so?" Party could almost see Blue's eyes rolling with her response. "Go on, go make her happy. I'll watch this Tucker guy and his girlfriend. I'll get you some photos too. And girl!" She called, addressing Red. "Make him earn it! Blue out."

Party's shoulders sagged and he tipped a glance in Red's direction, now standing chewing a bite of a chicken sandwich and somehow managing to smirk at the same time. A moment later she swallowed the food and grinned broadly.

"Well, go on," she pointed to the side door with her sandwich. "Go earn it!"

Still pouting with mild irritation, Party was conflicted; the statement was far too personal but she had got him out of trouble with Blue who was rightfully angry. Finally, accepting that there was no harm done, he merely sighed and nodded as he stood.

"Thanks," then added: "Odd breakfast," pointing at the sandwiches.

"Odd boyfriend," she shrugged raising an amused nod from Party in response.

There was no real need to make any further comment; he certainly wasn't about to disagree with her.

"Enjoy," he smirked.

"You too," Red laughed in response and then again as she watched Party heave a sigh as he trudged, perhaps a little reluctantly towards the motel.


As he approached their bedroom Party imagined he could almost hear Ghoul's irritated and angry breathing and found himself wondering how to broach the matter with him. He knew from a lifetime of experience with Ghoul that this could be anything from a brief disagreement to an epic disaster movie of gigantic proportions type of argument. He desperately hoped for the former, but the hairs beginning to prickle and stand up on his neck told him to expect the latter.

Party had learned over time that how he found Ghoul on entering told him a great deal. Lying down and pretending to be asleep required coaxing and cajoling. Staring aimlessly out of the window meant he was sad and needed care and sweetness. Reading, sometimes with an upside down book, told him that he was pretending not to be upset and was typically the worst case scenario that required patience and understanding. As Party turned the corner and opened the door to their room he stopped suddenly and held his breath, his mouth drying instantly at the sight of Ghoul sitting on a chair glaring directly at him, unblinking and with open hostility. This was virtually unexplored territory.

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