Friction Burns

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The Killjoys gathered in one of the larger booths to give themselves plenty of room. Mugs and a large coffee jug took up over half of the table and their arms, draped and leaning interspersed with the mugs.

"Okay," Party looked at each of them in turn as Jet poured coffee for them all.

"No snacks?"

Kobra offered Jet a bleak and plaintive stare. In reply Jet's shoulders dropped and he lowered the pot in disbelief.

"Well, it's all right for you," Kobra's voice rose in pitch. "You've had breakfast. Some of us are hungry!"

"And by 'some' he means himself," Red smirked, placing a hand gently on his.

"Okay," Kobra snorted his disdain. "One of us is hungry."

"One of us is always hungry," Ghoul chuckled. 

"Look if we're just going to talk about Kobra's appetite..." Jet began only to be cut off by a somewhat frustrated sounding Party.

"No, we're not. Settle down everyone, this is important."

Jet wasn't sure how this would pan out but for the time being at least he was satisfied with the seriousness with which Party was treating it.

"Thanks," Jet replied, his voice sounding muted and cautious.

"Sorry, Jet," Kobra's sheepish reply followed, earning a thin smile and a nod from Jet. "I do think it's important. Kami, I mean. Kami's important."

Offering a forced smile, but not enough to separate his lips, Jet acknowledged the apology, only serving to show Kobra how stressed he was. Lowering his eyes, Kobra found himself relieved to receive a comforting hand squeeze from Red sitting next to him.

"So," Party began, "what's the deal, Jet? What's happening with Kami that's so important it needs you to risk your life? And possibly ours too?"

Jet raised a bewildered expression towards Party, the seemingly callous phrasing burning his ears and beginning to stoke the coals of his usually well controlled temper. Slowly he became aware that he was not the only one at the table to be surprised by the bluntness of the statement. Ghoul was frowning deeply, his furrowed brow and down-turned lips the most obvious expression, but beneath the table his fists were clenched and the muscles in his legs tightening. He knew all too well that as their leader, Party assumed responsibility for them all and had to consider every aspect of whatever they did. That said, Ghoul also recognised that when it came to emotional responses, Party was a massive hypocrite and should any of them ever be in danger, would often go off on a potentially suicidal crusade, without thinking about the consequences. Party was a complex creature; he loved him deeply, but Ghoul also recognised some unsavoury aspects of himself in him and didn't waste time in bringing it to his attention.

"Party, you're being a dick!" He announced with a scowl aimed at the redhead.

The beginnings of an angry frown on Jet's face fell away in surprise at the words, particularly coming from Ghoul. Raising his eyebrows, he found himself waiting for Party's response and hoping it didn't descend into an argument; it was the last thing he needed right now.

"I know," Party replied firmly before softening his tone. "It's my job to keep everyone safe and if I have to be that fucking blunt to show it from a different perspective that's what I'll do."

The group around the table continued to sit in silence for a few moments before Party spoke again.

"It doesn't mean I don't care. You know that, don't you? Jet?"

Jet considered the words carefully; it felt to him as though his mind had been bounced against a wall and back, his thoughts scattering in disarray as it landed. Party's expression remained unreadable as Jet collected his thoughts and placed them in some semblance of order.

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