✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .

Start from the beginning

Ava's lips curled mischievously, her fingers manoeuvring her game piece around the board. "Oh, you know, a little birdie told me."

Filled with curiosity, Steve interjected, his tone playful, "Could it be a Sokovian birdie?"

Ava's grin widened as she recognized the reference, while Wanda attempted to hide a subtle smile, her gaze avoiding theirs.

Ava's eyes shifted from the game board to Steve and Natasha, her expression curious. "Speaking of my dad, any chance he's tagging along on this mission?"

Steve shook his head in response, his expression apologetic. "Not this time. Tony's got some MIT talk lined up, a funding event or something."

Ava's disappointment was palpable as she let out a sigh, passing the dice over to Wanda.

Exasperation crept into Ava's tone as she rolled her eyes. "Of course, he's off doing his billionaire genius thing again."

Steve and Natasha exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the frustration in Ava's voice. Natasha leaned forward slightly, her expression sympathetic. "It's tough when he's so caught up in his work."

Ava's irritation simmered beneath the surface as she sighed heavily. "Yeah, well, tough is an understatement. Sometimes it feels like I'm not even on his radar."

Wanda's empathetic gaze met Ava's, her understanding unspoken yet deeply felt. "You deserve better than that, Ava."

Ava managed a half-hearted smile, the annoyance still evident in her eyes. "Thanks, guys. But hey, at least Monopoly doesn't cancel plans to attend fancy MIT events."

Their shared laughter brought a temporary respite from the underlying tension, but the disappointment and annoyance Ava felt lingered, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

After Wanda retired to her room to rest for her mission, Ava returned to her own quarters and locked the door behind her. Frustrations and unresolved emotions simmered within her. She knew what she had to do.

Donning her Aurum suit, she secured her domino mask and fastened her watch in place. With determination in her eyes, Ava took a deep breath and headed out of her room. The city's night sky sprawled above her as she flew through the urban landscape, the rush of wind against her face providing a temporary relief from the weight of her thoughts. The streets below were quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos and conflict that often consumed her life as a hero.

Ava's focus sharpened as she spotted a group of petty thieves causing a commotion near a convenience store. With a surge of energy, she leaped into action. Her training and powers kicked in, allowing her to swiftly disarm the criminals and incapacitate them without causing any serious harm. Each punch and kick seemed to release a fragment of her pent-up frustration.

Standing among the subdued criminals, Ava's chest rose and fell with the intensity of the moment. In that instance, a glimmer of clarity shone through. As Aurum, she was a beacon of justice, a force for good in a world often consumed by chaos. The weight on her shoulders felt momentarily lighter, replaced by the sense of purpose that came with her heroic identity.

With a final look at the now subdued thieves, Ava bounded back onto the rooftops. Just as she was about to leap to the next rooftop, a red and blue figure swung into view.

"Hey there," Spider-Man greeted with a nod, his voice laced with the trademark playfulness Ava had come to expect from him.

Ava turned to face him, her posture relaxing slightly in the presence of a fellow hero. "Hey, Spidey. Just dealing with some minor trouble," she replied, her own masked gaze meeting his.

Aurum ✧ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now