"Girls are super slow, if only they were as awe-" Shikamaru quickly got cut off as I outran him. I blew a raspberry at him and before I knew it, I had arrived at the academy. I looked around and only saw Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka, and me (including shikamaru and choji of course). I walked up to Hinata, since she looked the nicest. "Hi, you must be Hinata Hyuga!" I said.

"Mhm.." She said, obviously shy, but that was adorable so I didn't mind.

(A/N: Y/N x Hinata moment O.o?)

I put my hand out and replied, "Y/N Hatake, nice to meet you, I have a feeling we'll be best friends!" Suddenly she seemed like a completely different person.

"Of course, I would introduce myself, but it seems you already know about me!" She exclaimed, as she shook my hand. Kiba suddenly walked up to us. "Well what do we have here, the two weakest kids in this academy?" he chuckled.

"You guys sure seem vulnerable, might I add, not ninja material." He teased. Suddenly Shikamaru started coming towards Kiba's direction.

"You know what's not ninja material, Inuzuka?" He said, walking over with his hands in his pockets.

"What, these weaklings?" Kiba replied pointing at me and Hinata

"No, people who bully others for looking weak." Shikamaru replied, air quoting weak.

I chuckled, in my head of course. How could this guy just get onto Kiba for bullying others who look weak, when he was just teasing me for being a girl since all girls are weak.

"Watch your mouth, NARA!" Kiba growled.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "I doubt you'll actually do anything to me." Shikamaru scoffed, backing up some so he wasn't in Kiba's face.

"Scared?" Kiba chuckled.

"No." replied Shikamaru, confidently.

"You were, you backed up." Kiba laughed.

"I wasn't scared, your breath just stinks, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a mutt." Shikamaru said, obviously trying to hold in a giggle. I covered my mouth, giggling a bit to myself.

"You better watch it, or I'll get Akamaru to handle you." Kiba growled.

"That dog that looks like a rat, I don't think it can handle anything." Shikamaru scoffed.

It hit me that I was watching a fight unravel. Kiba attempted to lunge at Shikamaru, but suddenly a puff of air popped up between the boys. Iruka sensei grabbed Kiba before he could lunge at Shikamaru. Was I the cause of this fight? I took my seat next to Shikamaru and I couldn't help but feel guilty that I was the main cause for the fight between Kiba and Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru" I whispered.

"What?" Shikamaru whispered back.

"Sorry for being the main cause of the fight between you and Kiba."

"You weren't the main cause, it was my choice to argue with Kiba." Shikamaru whispers.

I was relieved to not be the main cause of the fight, but I couldn't help but feel like I was. "Everybody take a seat, as you know we are going to have an activity to improve and show off your ninja skills." Iruka sensei said, as students sat down.                                                                                   "Naruto needs to improve his ninja skills!" Kiba said, laughing along with his friends.  Iruka sensei gave Kiba a look of disapproval, then continued on explaining what we were going to do outside. "Follow me outside class." Iruka sensei said. I got up but before I could, I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Shikamaru grabbing my wrist. Suddenly I felt a tug on my other wrist. I turned around the other way to see Kiba. "Listen punk, if you're really such a good ninja, this is your chance to prove it." He growled. Suddenly Shikamaru tugged my wrist hard enough to make Kiba loose grip on my other wrist. Before I knew it, Shikamaru had me in his arms, guarding me from Kiba's wrath. Everyone but me, Shikamaru, and Kiba had cleared the room, including Iruka sensei. I ran out of Shikamaru's arms, and teased him by saying, "I'll beat you!" Shikamaru trailed behind me, trying his hardest to beat me. When it was obvious I was going to win, Shikamaru gave up.

While outside, Iruka sensei explained the rules to our training. "This will go on a permanent record! So remember to try your hardest and we shall start!" Iruka sensei said. Iruka sensei pointed at Sasuke Uchiha and instructed, "Sasuke, i want you to throw these kunais towards that target on the tree." 

"Now everyone watch as Sasuke throws these Kunais!"  Iruka sensei said, smiling proudly at Sasuke. Ugh, why does everyone love Sasuke so much, oh well, I should probably volunteer to go soon since I want to take a nap. "Wooow Sasuke! You're amazing!" Sakura Haruno said. I raised my hand so I could go up next. "Y/N your turn!" Iruka sensei said. I grabbed the kunais, and investigated the target. I took a deep breath and, WOOSH. I threw all three kunais, two kunais aligned, hitting the bottom middle of the target, and the other hitting the exact middle. "Wow, awesome job, Y/N!" Iruka sensei applauded. I walked over to a tree and drifted to sleep.

Shikamarus POV:

The class had a picnic at the training course. Suddenly I saw Ino walking up to me "Hi Shikamaru, Sakura took the spot next to Sasuke, so can I sit here?" Ino asked, smiling at me, Naruto, and Choji. "Mm, sure I guess.." I replied, with a smug face. I obviously didn't want her sitting with us, but It'd be a drag listening to her complain. "What the heck, Shikamaru?" Naruto whispered to me. "Listen Naruto, it'd be a drag to hear her complain if I said no, so deal with it." I whispered back. Ino sat down beside Choji, and laid her food down. "What up with her?" Ino said. Pointing at Y/N. I frowned, "Nothing, she's sleeping. Duh.". Ino rolled her eyes. "Wow, you're so smart, Mr. Obvious." She remarked. "Why are you even friends with her, Shikamaru?" Ino added. I sighed. "I'm not even friends with her, she just so helpless and weak. I feel bad." I replied. Ino laughed, "Shikamaru actually feeling bad for someone?". "I thought you were emotionless!"  Ino slurped on her soda while staring at Y/N.

I was up the whole entire time. I actually thought someone was my friend. Ugh. School is so tiring. I "woke" up and grabbed lunch. Suddenly Shikamaru walked up to me. "Hey Y/n." He said nicely. I scoffed and walked away. I saw Hinata and Kiba sitting alone so I decided to join them. "Hi Hinata!" I exclaimed, placing my food tray down. I assumed Kiba and Hinata had resolved whatever they had between eachother. Hinata smiled at me. "Hi Y/n, I saw you sleeping." She said before taking a bite of her food. "Heh, yeah I was tired.." I replied before also taking a bite of my food. I glanced over at Shikamaru to see him staring at me worriedly. I quickly started a conversation with Hinata. I didn't want anything to do with him at the moment.

"Did you hear about how they're now doing threeman teams?" Kiba said, curiously. Hinata looked over at Naruto, and smiled. "I wonder who I'll be with.." She said, drifting into a daydream.

"When I say with, I-i mean the threeman team! Not who I'll end up marrying!" Hinata added, her face red as a tomato.

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