Chapter 9

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The weekend had finally arrived after a tiring and eventful week. His sister had been extra annoying. Adrienne kept acting like an asshole. And he messed up things with Oliver at the beginning of the week. But now, he could try to relax for the measly two days he had to do so. No more drama. For now.

Angel planned on getting around to doing house chores and texting Oliver. His friendship with them wasn't complicated or difficult like his friendship with Adrienne was. It was easier to be himself around Oliver, which might have been crazy to say. It was just a few weeks ago that they became friends, but it felt like they had known each other for months.

He was just about finished with putting the dishes away when his phone went off. Angel was slightly hoping that it was Adrienne explaining what happened the last time they saw each other, but it was Oliver. He wasn't too disappointed of course. He liked the guy. They were a good friend. Better than Angel.


Hey wyd?


Just finished cleaning

around the house :(



Ugh cleaning sucks

But nothing reallyyy

Like sure I don't like going to school but

it's better than sitting around doing nothing


I feel you

I mean look at me

I got so bored that I CLEANED

Jk jk my parents would have killed

me if I didn't-


Oh sameee

My dad always gives me chores to complete

after school and if I don't do them he'll

be complaining about it for the rest of the night


Oh god...

My dad would probably do the same thing

Except my mom would be like

cut him some slack mi amor

I am speaking from experience here btw



Can't wait for when we're old enough

to live on our own

That'll be interesting

No more shitty kids from school too


I think if I ever live by myself my home will

be a mess 24/7

But yeah I know what you mean

And I know that Adrienne is one them


Why are we talking about himmm

I don't wanna


Shit sorry

I've just been thinking about him a lot

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