20 - Batting Cages (Kieran)

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His eyes widened. Would they split that? Swinging and missing 50 times would be embarrassing.

"You seem worried."

"I'm going to miss all of mine."

"Hey, I promised to help, and I will." She led him into one of the batting cages, picking up a helmet and bat on the way. "Righty or lefty?"


"Okay, stand here." She motioned to two corners of the plate with the bat. "Place your feet as wide as your shoulders and bend your knees. Plant your back foot."

Kieran must have appeared ridiculous, but Naomi smiled at him and brought the bat closer.

"Hold your hands out and wrap your fingers around the handle. A light grip will help the most."

It was light for a metal object. She guided his grip lower on the neck of the bat with her soft hands. His heart beat faster. Just friends, he told himself.

"Okay, bring that bat back, over your shoulder, not that far back." The bat lifted with Naomi's help. "That's a better angle." Her hands found his again as she whispered, "Relax your grip. It's like you're holding someone's hand for the first time. It's gentle and light."

Did she realize how her words filled him with optimism and conflict? Her gaze could go either way, so he kept his response casual. "I wish I had your confidence on first dates."

Naomi laughed, but it came out differently than usual. Her touch vanished, and she hugged her arms over her stomach, gripping them at her forearms.

"My last first date and all of my recent dates have been nervous disasters. So do as I say, not as I do."

Would she be nervous if they ever dated?

Shake it off. It's not the time for that distraction.

"How do I hit the ball?"

"Put your weight on your back foot, and once I step away, swing through."

Once he'd confirmed she shuffled away, he swung. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Relax a little more and swing all the way through." She picked up her bat and gave a very natural swing.

"I'm pretty sure mine looked exactly like that, ponytail swish and all."

Naomi laughed and returned to his side. She lifted her hand to his arm. "Do you mind?" After he shook his head, she gently raised his elbow and raised the bat. "And when you swing, it'll be like this."

She pressed her body tight to his to reach around him and place her hands atop his. She was soft and warm against him, her breasts pressing into his back and her head against his shoulder. Whatever she said afterward was lost on him as the whole moment played out to the soundtrack of his rapid-firing heart. Being this close to him made it clear he wanted this with her. A distant friendship wasn't enough. He craved her physical closeness, the romantic rush, their connection. But would he crave more than she was comfortable with?

Before he had time to contemplate further, her body moved his into a powerful swing that he worried would whip back and hit her but didn't.

"Was that better?" she asked.

"Much, but that was all you."

"I can show you with a few pitches if you want."

"I'm very cool with being your moral support."

Naomi grabbed a pair of black gloves and a helmet from her bag. If she was serious enough to have gloves, he would make a fool out of himself.

She never spoke condescendingly to Brinny, and she'd been nothing but supportive. Relax.

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