Part 15. House Guests.

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"So... You said he didn't like the news?" Shade asked Knight as she, Knight, and Charlie went down the elevator to the Vehicle area.

"If he doesn't want me to stay there, maybe you should come up with another solution..." Charlie suggested timidly as the elevator doors opened. "We don't have anywhere else for you to go, Charlie. His base is the safest place. And I wouldn't say he's mad. He's just... a little unhappy-"

"Mother fucker!!!!!" Phantom yelled as red lightning went flying through the vehicle area as fire alarms went off as Dark Core Soldiers ran from place to place with fire extinguishers.

"Oh, damn..." Charlie said as she saw the chaos. "Don't worry about it, Sweetie. He'll cool off." Shade said as she nudged Charlie's shoulder.

"Captain, is anyone seriously injured?" Knight asked a soldier. "No one hurt, Commander." The soldier cheered.

"Good. Shade, help with the clean up. Charlie, come with me." Knight said as he and the demon princess went to the large opened doors of the Vehicle area.

"Hey, uh... How about you stay here for a bit. Let me cool him off first." Knight said as Charlie shook her head in agreement and stood in the doorway of the vehicle area.

"You get all your anger out?" Knight asked as Phantom stood in the snow, his fist clenched as he stood there with red lightning sparking on his body for a few seconds.

"Daniel, I'm not a babysitter!!!" Phantom growled. "You're not babysitting anyone, she's a grown woman! And I told you, this whole thing is temporary!" Knight argued back.

"I got other problems I'm worrying about! I don't have time for all that and taking in a stray!" Phantom growled. "Well, unfortunately, this is how it is. Just for a while. Besides, this might be good for you." Knight said as he crossed him arms.

"Good for me? The hell does that mean!?" Phantom asked annoyed and confused. "Oh, come on, Justin! Drop the lone wolf act for a second! With Sarah gone, you've been avoiding people. Won't talk to anyone. Maybe another person around you will help you get a little better." Knight said as Phantom seethed in anger.

"Ok, look, I got stuff to do. Just take care of her till we got a new place set up. I'll see ya later." Knight said as he left back into the vehicle area.

"Good luck. You're gonna NEED it." Knight said as he walked past Charlie while she had a nervous and worried look.

"Sooooo... hey, Phantom..." Charlie said as she approached him cautiously.

"Look, I know this isn't your choice, and I understand that you're busy. But I promise you that I won't be an issue." Charlie said to calm him down.

"Promise?" Phantom asked.

"Yes, I promise! Best behavior!" Charlie said with sparkles in her eyes. It was strange when he saw how happy she was most of the time. But he hasn't seen her hell. Only his own. She must've been raised differently.

"Better be a promise you intend to keep." He said coldly to ignore his thoughts. "I will! I promise you, I can a be a good roommate!" Charlie said as she crashed into him with a hug, her arms wrapping around his neck as he lifted his arms up slightly from surprise from her.

"I said I don't really do hugs, Princess..." he said to her quietly. "Oh! Uh... so... is this bad? I didn't mean to upset you..." Charlie said as she retracted herself a little, a cute yet upset face taking her over.

"Just don't EVER do it again..." Phantom said with a sigh as he pushed her off as gently as he could.

"Alright... Let's go, Blonde." Phantom said as his car pulled up to them through the snow. "Oh, yeah! Ok!" She said as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

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