Part 13. Evaluation.

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"Hey, Knight!" Charlie said in the hall as she approached Daniel.

"What is it, Charlie?" He asked as they continued down the hall together. "I was just curious about something. Well... have you seen Phantom anywhere?" She asked nervously.

"I haven't seen him today, no. He stopped by my house earlier for Danny. Why are you looking for him?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted to thank him again. Ya know, because of... Nitro." She said. "I see. Well, I'm sorry, Charlie. Like I said, I haven't seen him at the tower today." Knight said as they moved past Dark Core soldiers in the hall.

"Ok. Do you think it would be ok if I went to his room door to thank him?" She asked shyly. Knight smirked under his helmet a bit.

"Unfortunately, Charlie, he doesn't have a room at the tower. He has his own base quite a few miles from here. And I'd like to try to get him to come here so you can thank him again, but he's been... tracking someone. Been tracking someone for a while now. He's a little busy." He said as Charlie frowned a little.

"Oh... Ok... I understand. No worries." Charlie said, slightly upset. "

"Hmm..." Knight thought to himself when he saw her frown. "But... I'll see what I can do." He said as she lit up with a smile. "Really?... Thank you!" She said happily.

"Miss Morningstar!" Star said from behind the two.

"And what got my beautiful love Diana outta bed this morning?~" Knight asked as she caught up with them.

"I wanted to personally deliver this. A thank you... for protecting my son." She said as she handed Charlie her fully repaired phone. "Oh! Thank you, Diana!" Charlie said with a smile. "Yours was broken. Had Shade's team fix it." Star said.

"Daniel! It's time, they're getting ready go!" Shatter said at the end of the hallway. "Alright! Get them on the jet and get him ready! I'm on my way!" Knight said back as Shatter left out the hallway again.

"Anyway, Ladies, Love to stay, but I got work to do. See you later." Knight said as he left down the hall, leaving the two girls behind.

"So, Sister, I heard there was an issue with Nitro in your room?" Star asked as they walked together down the hall. "Yeah... he got waaaay too close for my comfort. But, uh... Phantom got him out." Charlie said, a surprised look taking Star's face under her helmet.

"He did, hmm? That's... nice of him." Star said as they neared Charlie's room. "Yeah. I wanted to thank him again, but Knight said he doesn't have a room here." Charlie said as she stepped into her room.

"Yeah, well, he comes here a bit. Maybe you'll run into him." Star said with a little hidden smirk. "Alright then. I'll see you around, Charlie." Star said as she left down the hallway.

"At least some of these people are nice. Diana, Daniel, Nicole, and little Danny. Ava, Derek, and Rigg seem... a tad violent." Charlie said as she lied on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Although, she couldn't help but think about how Phantom seems to be in the middle ground.

"Justin must be a unique case..." she said as she then heard a small, hard to hear beeping sound coming from the air vent above her. "What? What is that?" She asked as the sound became faster and louder.


"You see him? The one with the antlers? Means he's a male. A buck. Think of him as the leader. That's the one you want." Phantom said while he was knelt down into the snow covered bushes with Danny.

"Ok, I see. But why do I have to use a bow, Uncle Justin?" Danny asked as he readied his grip on the bow string. "Because it's safer than a gun. No accidental miss fires. And you're too young for those anyway, Kid." Phantom said as he watched over Danny on their hunt.

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