Part 7. Surrender Or Die.

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While Vaggie was watching the ceiling of ice, she heard sounds of fighting. The red flashes and glows must've been connected. "Yo, Charlie. What's she doing?" Angel asked, his head tilted in confusion. "I don't know. Just... let go me see." Charlie said as she approached Vaggie while Angel followed.

"Someone's up there." Vaggie said as the sounds of fighting became louder.

"Vaggie? What's wrong?" Charlie asked as she walked up to Vaggie's side as Angel stood next to Charlie. "Something or someone's up there. You see that?" She asked as her eye narrowed on the blue ice ceiling as the red flashes became brighter. "Uhhh, I think whoever's flashing up there's winning..." Angel said hesitantly as the ice began to break, the cracks shattering one by one.


The ice shattered, a large exorcist body crashing down onto her back, red lightning cracking across her body in front of them as a stranger was standing on top of the exorcist's body. his hands were wrapped around the exorcist's throat as the Angel's swords fell in front of Angel and Charlie.

"Die!" Phantom growled as he tore the exorcist's head clean off its neck, gold blood spilling on his hands and pouring onto the cold metal floor.

"Well shit!" Angel said as Phantom looked up at the three wide eyed demons and said one word.


"Oh shit..." Charlie said nervously as Phantom took a step to his left off the dead exorcist, red lightning sparking off his feet as he planted his boots to the frozen metal flooring.

"I've been looking for you..." Phantom said as he dropped the exorcist's head onto the ground.

"How did he?..." Charlie thought to herself as Phantom reached down for what was left of the exorcist's neck and threw the body to his left with enough force that it broke through the metal wall of the facility. The body landing in the dark, cold caverns below.

Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel couldn't take their eyes off the stranger as he walked to the center of the facility, his tags slightly clanging with each slow step. Nobody should be able to kill an exorcist like that. Especially with only their bare hands. Especially a human.

The man's display of strength had scared and worried the demons. Scared them to such an extant that even Angel didn't think it'd be wise to crack a joke. They remained dead silent as Phantom reached up and threw his hood back off his helmet and gave them their only warning.

"Surrender... Or Die..." he said as he eyed the demons. The tall white one was obviously not a human, but the two women looked closer to it. But most likely a facade. A front to dismiss any thoughts of them being a threat.

"Never!" Vaggie said as she readied her spear as she examined the red blade on Phantom's back as it sparked with red lightning. "Hmph..." he said as his right hand reached up and unsheathed his sword from his back. "That was your worst mistake..." he said as he held his blade to his side.

"We're not going anywhere, and you're not doing anything, you Hijo de puta!" Vaggie said as she moved to her right, her spear at the ready. "Not your damn choice." Phantom said as Ravage landed In front of Vaggie, his twin blades at the ready.

"Wow, otro luchador español con arma blanca.  dar una buena pelea, no quiero un desollado fácil." Ravage laughed out.

"Well, we still have 'em out numbered. I've had more threatening gang bangs." Angel said as he picked up one of the exorcists swords and moved to his left.

"Hot Damn!" Nitro said as he landed in front of Angel, sledgehammer in hand. "These girls are gold rank! I call dibs." Nitro said. "Bet!~" Angel said with a smirk.

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