Pain in my heart

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It's been a week since Chaeyoung was discharged from the hospital and currently resting at her home. She no longer wants to file a case against the moron man but was advised by Mina to do it and help her with the process through the legal counsel of the Myoui Corp. She was also visited by her teammates and her friends from the Art Department and her best friend Somi. While staying at home, she then realized her true feelings. Her mother also talked to her about what Mina said to her. 

They are currently taking their lunch when someone visited them. "Hey, Chaeyoung! How are you? ' Somi said after opening the door. The cub then shows her dimple smile, "I'm, already okay. In fact, I can go to work tomorrow. I am already bored staying at home".

"Hahaha! Then that's good! Let's go out! I'll treat you!". Somi then asked permission from her mother. Chaeyoung pouted and crossed her arms. Somi noticed it and asked her best friend what is her problem. "I'm no longer a kid Somi. I can already go out by myself. No need to ask permission from my mother!". Somi then laughs and taps her best friend's head. "Oops! Sorry cub. I thought that you were still in grade school and really need your parent's permission!". She then sticks her tongue out and laughs. Chaeyoung is really annoyed and tried to smack her best friend's head but due to their height difference, Somi just holds her head using her right arm. 

The duo then goes to the mall and enjoys being together. They even go to the arcade and play almost all the games there. When they get tired, Somi drags her best friend to a restaurant. Somi goes to the washroom after the waiter took their order, while the cub is looking at the surroundings when her eyes caught someone - Ms. Myoui with a guy. They are happily talking and it seems that they will be going to the same restaurant that they are in. Chaeyoung immediately look away and turn her head to make sure that the CEO didn't see her. She was in that state when Somi went back to their table. Somi then nudges her before going back to her seat. "Hey, cub! What happened to you?". Chaeyoung then moves closer to Somi and covers her mouth. "Ssshhh! Quiet, Ms. Myoui might see us here!". Somi then look at the surroundings and indeed saw the CEO with a guy on the other side of the restaurant. She then looks at her best friend. 

"Cub, hey, look at me", Somi tried to get her best friend's attention who keep looking at the table where the CEO is currently sitting. "Tell me honestly, do you have feelings for Ms. Myoui?" Chaeyoung widened her eyes and just shake her head. "N-No, of course! It's nothing. I don't have feelings for her". Somi looked intently at the cub. "Are you sure?". "Y-yes", Chaeyoung answered. 

"You're lying". 

"N-No! I'm not! Why did you say that I have feelings for her? I have nothing compared to those guys that she's dating". 

"How do you tell that she's dating?"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before answering," Are you blind? Do you see that? She's with that guy and obviously, they are having their dinner together". 

Somi still looking at the cub, speaks, "I don't think so. Even if we saw them having dinner together, we can't just say that they are on a date. What about us? We are having our dinner together. Do you think that this is already a date?"

Chaeyoung was speechless. Yes, Somi is right. But when she saw the two, she was sure that they were on a date, compared to them. Somi then heaved a sigh before speaking, "Chaeng, don't ever lie to me. You know that you can't hide every single detail from me, even your feelings. You know that we are friends since childhood and I know you more than yourself. Now, let me ask you again, do you have feelings for Ms. Myoui?"

Chaeyoung can't really lie to her best friend here. She fidgeted her fingers before start speaking, "I'm sorry if I am not being honest to you or to myself. I can't really understand this before. I thought that what I felt for her is just pure admiration, but when I get a chance to be closer to her when she was doing her training, I was able to know her more. She's far from being the intimidated and cold woman that she is. Maybe at first, but when she's comfortable with you, you can see her true self. A warm and gentle woman". Chaeyoung then laugh before continuing, "But regardless of how warm and gentle she is, I know and I admit that I can't be with her. She's an heiress and I am just an employee of their company. She's super rich and I am poor and don't have money on my own. So I just need to stop this feeling and divert my attention to someone or something because it is really impossible that I can be with her. Not in this lifetime". 

Chaeyoung felt a lone tear and quickly wipe it. She doesn't want her best friend to see her like this. "I also want to say sorry to you because for now, I can't answer you regarding your confession. It would be unfair for you if I will just accept you knowing that I have feelings for her. I do hope that you can help me", she said while smiling sadly. 

Somi felt the sincerity of Chaeyoung's words. She pity her best friend and does understand her situation. What she wants to do right now is to help her and at least ease the pain that she's feeling whenever she sees the CEO. 

After Chaeyoung's heartfelt confession,  their food already arrived. They silently eat and sometimes look at each other. When they are finished, Somi then hold Chaeyoung's hand and whispered, "Let's go and she will maybe see us. Just stay calm and let me do the rest, okay?" Somi then pinches the cub's cheeks and starts walking. They indeed passed through the CEO's table and stop for a while to greet her. 

"Oh, hello there, Ms. Myoui! Nice seeing you here!" Somi greeted. Mina looked to the right and saw Somi and Chaeyoung holding hands, which changed her mood. Her blood boils when she noticed that Somi intertwined their hands and just rub their thumbs. 

"Nice seeing you two here as well", Mina said coldly. She didn't mind looking at Somi since her attention is on the cub. On the other hand, the cub is looking both at Mina and the guy. When Somi noticed the deadly glare of Mina to her best friend, she just drag her a bit away from Mina and then tried to talk to the guy. The guy didn't even notice the tension and casually talk to Somi. 

"I'm Mark Tuan, CEO of Tuan Industries. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Jeon. I heard a lot about you and the success of your own company as well. I do hope that we will be business partners in the future".

'Sure! Nice meeting you as well Mr. Tuan. I apologize if we bother your dinner. We just want to greet Ms. Myoui since my girlfriend is working under her company". 

Mark then looked at Chaeyoung then greet her as well. "Oh, I see! No worries! A pleasure to meet you!", then Mark lift her right hand to Chaeyoung and asked her name as well. 

Chaeyoung who is quiet at the side lifts her right hand as well, "Son Chaeyoung. Nice meeting you as well Mr. Tuan". 

"What are you two doing here?", Mina still asked coldly and never remove her stare at Chaeyoung. 

"We're having a date, Ms. Myoui", Chaeyoung said and look straight at the CEO. The two are having a staring battle until Somi butts in.

"Uhm, we will go now, Mr. Tuan and Ms. Myoui. Sorry again for bothering your date. Enjoy your dinner!". Somi then drags the cub outside. When they are already inside the car, Somi then heard the sobbing coming from the cub. Somi just hug Chaeyoung tightly. 

"It hurts, Somi. It hurts a lot", Chaeyoung said while hugging her best friend and crying loudly. 

Somi didn't say anything, because she is exactly in the same situation. She is also hurt knowing the person whom she fell in love with when they are still young, now is already in love - but to someone else. They are just in the parking area of the restaurant until the cub calms down. 

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