6.7k+ views special - My Dragon Ball fanfiction announcement + July 4th special

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Sorry for my inactivity, I wasn't able to edit the page where I have new OCs from Chapter 5, so I had to start over from scratch, thankfully that I have Microsoft Word to recover the last edit from the page that I mentioned earlier. Thank you for 6.7k+ views on my Azur Lane fanfiction and I love you all. I hope I'll continue to work with this fanfiction in the future. In case you guys didn't know, I was writing on my Dragon Ball fanfiction that I made as I was working on the second chapter, so you guys have to check it out if you don't want to miss it. I'll see you in the next page of Azur Lane - Unparalleled Unicus, author is out and Happy Independence Day for the United States of America!

Azur Lane - Unparalleled UnicusUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum