Chapter 4: The Crimson Axis attack on Azur Lane Base

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(A/N: I came up with my decision regarding the love interest list for my OC from the previous page, since the lack of voting to choose a shipgirl that my OC would pick up the most, only two users voted for Hood and one user voted for Harem, so I choose Harem over one shipgirl only. You may be wondering why I choose Harem over one shipgirl only? Because it may contain romance scenes between my OC and those shipgirls from the love interest list and even sexual scenes. That's why I had to change my story status from normal to mature. However, there will be some lemon scenes in some chapters. If you are under 18+ and not comfortable reading it. It's best to skip the scene to the end of the page or wait for the other chapter. Anyways, let's get started this new chapter. Shall we?)

The next day, it was peaceful in the Azur Lane Base and it was normal as it originally was before. He was cleaning up his battleship's floor with cotton floor mop and a bucket with water and soap in it to make sure his battleship stayed clean and shiny

At the rocks in middle of the ocean far away from the Azur Lane Base, there are two girls with nine tails and fox-like ears, one has black-white-gold clothing and other one has white-blue-black-gold clothing and they are watching at the Azur Lane Base

Kaga: "Ready when you are phoenix, just say the word"

Kaga: "Ready when you are phoenix, just say the word"

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Akagi: "Tell me, Kaga. What's the fundamental nature of battle?"

Kaga: "Sister Akagi please, use my codename"

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Kaga: "Sister Akagi please, use my codename"

Akagi: "To battle us to inflict injury, battle also invites injury, therefore a battle is a mutual exchange of pain. Pain is an interpreter, helping us understand each other's feelings, so you could say when the battle we share love"

Kaga stood up on the rocks

Kaga: "None of that poetry has anything to do with your question of war. I battle to destroy my enemies, plain and simple"

Kaga changes the climate in the sky who has turned into a storm, Akagi stood up beside her sister Kaga

Akagi: "Well excuse me"

Akagi uses the black wisdom cube to summon the Siren ships that appeared in the fog, there are hundreds of them

Akagi: "Now then, we've waited long enough to begin this war"

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