Chapter 5: Hammann's base under attack and new ships - Part 2

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Previously on Azur Lane - The Puerto Rican Battleship from another timeline....

Arizona: "I knew that you are here with 2 battleships, 4 light cruisers and an aircraft carrier!"

Hornet: "Also, where's my sister Enterprise?"

Cleveland: "She is at our base, so Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942) would take in charge on her position, he would protect you guys. And we were making sure that Enterprise's ship was fully repaired, she told me that he wouldn't let her guard down, because he was doing this for her"

Hornet: "I see. Enough talking, we have to fight!"

Zuikaku: (In mind): "So, the Grey Ghost wasn't there to help them" (she looked at Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942) and she smirks) "But this shipboy has swords, maybe I could attack him with my sword!"

Zuikaku: "You're the strongest battleship of Puerto Rico as the rumors were true about you"

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942): "Yep, that's right! Also, you're not the only one who has katana sword, I have two katana swords!"

Zuikaku: "Then let's duel with the honor!"

Shoukaku: "This is getting interesting, there's a shipboy who wants the challenge"

Shoukaku launches her planes off the flight and it's heading towards Arizona

Arizona: "Anti-Aircraft weapons, fire!"

Her AA weapons starts shooting at Shoukaku's planes, it shoot down some of them

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942) noticed this situation

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942): (In mind) "I won't allow those planes to hurt her!!"

He kicks Zuikaku out and he uses M1 Garand as he shot down 8 of them, then he puts his M1 Garand on his back and he shields Arizona with his crusader shield as they covered from Zeros' bombardment on them

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942): "You're alright, Arizona?!"

Arizona: "Y-yes and thank you for saving me"

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942): "You're welcome"

He then aims at Zuikaku with his M1 Garand and he shots her shoulder


Shoukaku: "ZUIKAKU!!!"

Zuikaku: "This isn't fair! I will crush you!"

Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942): "There's too many planes, we could still shoot them down but there's no ending in sight!"

Then, the mysterious warships begins to call him via the radio

??? #1: (In Spanish) "No estás solo, te recuperé comandante como hermanos de armas" ("You're not alone, I got you back commander like brothers in arms")

??? #2: (In Spanish) "¡¡Lanza los misiles, FUEGO!!" ("Launch the missiles, FIRE!!")


The Tomahawk missiles were launched from their VLS launchers, it's heading towards the Siren ships and they hit them as they were sunk, the explosion causes to blow away Shoukaku and Zuikaku

Shoukaku and Zuikaku: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Arizona: "What's that?"

Hammann: "What?!"

Hornet: "Who's them?"

The other missiles hits the Zeros and the Siren planes, they were completely destroyed as Puerto Rico Class Battleship (1942) looked at them as he smirks with a surprise

Azur Lane - Unparalleled UnicusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora