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Billy and stu stared at Kit, who reached out and grabbed a toast. "Are you serious?" Billy questioned, and kit nodded ,"Yeah, but I'm not like them. I don't eat people," he said , biting into the toast

"So, it's real? Holy shit," stu said, "wait, does Bobby eat people?" Billy questioned, slightly disgusted

"Yeah, I puked the first, I saw him eating them the first time," Kit confessed,

"Would he have ate us if you killed us that day?" Stu questioned, slightly horrified

"Maybe I wouldn't put it past Bobby, and I would never kill you guys," Kit replied

"We know, is there anything else we should know about your family?" Billy asked

"Hmm...Thomas and Bubba cut the skin off people faces and wear them," Kit told them

"What Bailey?" Billy asked, and kit glanced at him before looking down at the floor.

"She's my sister. She fell in love, and Bobby wasn't so happy about that, just like he wasn't happy that I fell in love with you guys," Kit told them

"What happened to her?" Stu asked, "she left with Joe, the guy she fell in love with him. He's was a nice guy, but Bobby didn't like him ," he added,

" Bobby was going to kill him. He threatened to kill him, he locked Joe in the shed , and he kept Bailey locked in her room," he continued

"Then how did they escape?" Stu asked, "I helped them. There was a storm one day, and the basement was getting flooded, so Bobby was downstairs. I let Bailey out of her room before we took Joe out of the shed...he...he was missing his left leg, and Bailey couldn't get away on her own,"

"Bobby kept every car of his victims hidden in the woods. He kept the keys in his room, so I went and got them. We got Joe into one of the cars, and Bailey wanted me to go with her, but then I heard Bobby yelling and.. I ran back to Bobby , " Kit said,

"I never saw Bailey or Joe ever again. Bobby doesn't like talking about them," he finished

"Why didn't you go with Bailey?" Billy asked, " I don't know, but if I went with Bailey, I would have never met you or stu," Kit said

"I wouldn't change that. Meeting you guys was the best thing that happened to me," he added, with a smile kissing Billy's and stu's cheeks

"Now, enough talk. I need a shower, and I need to head to class," Kit said, standing up

"Shower? Can we join you?" Stu asked, "If you join me, I'm going to be late, and I can't be late," Kit told them

"We'll be fast," Billy promised and stu nodded in agreement, "like ten minutes, that's all we need," stu said

"Five minutes, " Kit told them, Billy and stu cheered before standing up, "Five minutes, we can totally make five minutes work,"stu said,

"Uh-huh, come on,"
Word count - 500

Hope you enjoy

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