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Bobby parked infront of the school and he turned to kit, "I will pick you up after school and no buts,"

"I can't just leave my butt! I need it!" Kit gasped and Bobby rolled his eye's, "quit playing around. Go on now, "

Kit giggled before opening the door and got out of the car, closing the door, "bye bobby, seeya later,"

"Yeah, seeya later, "Kit waved as bobby drove off , "hey kit," stu greeted, smiling at him

"Stu, billy nice to see that the two of you are still alive," kit said, before he reached out and smacked both their arms ,"ow! What was that for?" Stu questioned, rubbing his shoulder

"You hit like a girl," billy said, "What were you guys thinking? Idiots both of you," Kit told them , putting his hands on his hips,

"What does kit look like a mother scolding her kids because they did something bad? " Randy questioned, coming up to them, and glancing between the three

"Also, did you hear about last night murder?" Randy excitedly asked,

"Yeah, Dylan was brutally killed last night, hung by his guts," kit replied, "news travels fast huh?" Randy said, with a shake of his head

"I was there, and I saw his body," kit told him, "really? What was he like? Mutilated right? I need details!" Randy said, grabbing kit by his shoulders and started to shake him back and forth,

"Give me the details man!" Randy said, and kit blinked ,"uh..he was dead, that's all I know, can you stop shaking me? I'm starting to see two of you and one of you is enough," kit said and randy stopped shaking him

"And why do you want to know details?"stu asked, "and why are you so excited about someone getting murdered?" Billy questioned, narrowing his eye's at randy

"Because, nothing ever happens in this town! Except for last year when sids mom was murdered but nothing else happened," randy told them

"This seems exciting," he added ,"You're officially weird," stu said, with a shake of his head

The bell rang, "race ya to class loser," randy said, smacking stu in the chest before running off ,"hey! Come back here!" Stu chased after randy

Kit looked at billy before punching him in the arm ,"ow! The fuck was that for?" He asked, rubbing his arm

"For saying that I hit like a girl, and for sneaking into my house, don't ever do that again," kit said before hugging billy,

Billy looked at Kit confused before he hugged him back, "I was worried for you idiots. Don't ever do that again billy," kit said

"I promise," billy said, and it was a complete lie but kit doesn't need to know that ,

Kit pulled back and smiled at billy ,"good. Now let's head to class," billy nodded

"Hey, wait kit," billy grabbed kit's hand , stopping him walking away.

"Does he hit you?" Billy asked, and kit quickly shook his head, "no,bobby would never hit me. Yeah, he gets mad but he only raises his voice, but he will never hit me," kit told him and billy nodded

"Okay, " billy nodded, "let's get going," kit nodded and billy let go of his hand,

"So, are you upset about dylan?" Billy questioned as they walked to the school's entrance

"Yeah, I am ,but he's dead and there's nothing I can do about it right?" Kit said and billy nodded ,"did...you like him?" Billy asked,

"Why? Would you be jealous if I did?" Kit questioned,

"Yes, it's why I killed him,"billy thought to himself, "I just met him a couple days ago , and...I don't know,it's confusing," kit said

"Yeah, I get that,"  Soon kit and billy were in class and they sat next to each other.

Billy rested his cheek on the Palm of his hand, staring at kit as kit focused on writing down notes.

Billy found him really adorable when he's focusing on something.

"Billy, focus," kit whispered and billy smirked, "but I am, on something cute and adorable, that just happens to be sitting next to me,"

Kit blushed, "you flirting with me billy?" Billy leaned closer, "totally," kit giggled and billy chuckled

"Come on, focus on your notes,"
Word count - 711

Hope you enjoy!

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