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If I could master the talent of painting overnight, the first thing I would paint would be their faces. Angelo is the best of all of them; he was ready to throw me off, but he just failed to impress, now looking me directly in the eyes. I break our eye contact from the urge to laugh, but since I'm the one with her hands supervised and a gun to her forehead, I prefer to play it safe.

"What a turn off" the blondie takes all the attachments off of me, and I couldn't help but notice the delicate way he handles the sticks. I can tell that if it weren't for the current situation, he would've made a good boyfriend to Nisha. They take me from the sides, and we head to the car, and I catch a big breath of fresh morning air as a prize for my first victory.

A question arises in my mind and starts to freak me out: What do they do with me now that I'm basically useless?

"Now what do we do with you" Angelo reads through my mind, and I cannot hide my unwellness. I shift my position as I watch him put the cloth on my eyes, softly raising my hair to tie it well. I hum as his fingertip brushes the back of my neck, trailing down to my back and gently putting the seatbelt on, moving my thigh to lock it.

He can still feel the power he has over me, but he prefers to ignore it. I brush my leg against his, and his deep breath confirms that there's still some of mine too. He locks the door, and the way back seems longer because of the tensioned silence in the car. They have nothing, and I have less than a day to think of a way to bribe them to not kill my useless ass.

They take the cloth off and we enter the building, but instead of the basement, we enter what seems like a dining room. I get seated, and I see the two brothers motioning the same thing, and after Iuliano shouts something in Italian, the other two brothers show up.

Angelo starts tying his hair up as he speaks. "We have good news and bad news, guys." They all look at me, and I cannot hide my confusion. "The bad one is that we are at the beginning again; she doesn't know shit." They all huff.

This time the blonde guy says, "The good news is that we are cleaning the dust off that hanging rope tomorrow morning."

There is nothing to be surprised about; this is how it works, and now the dining table makes way more sense than before.

"Today is your special day, then; we let you roam free in the house and eat with us on your last day; you choose the dishes." How sweet. He sits up and unlocks my hands at the same time Antaura enters the room.

"Hey guys, and hey to you too, what's up?" She was wearing a black top and pajama pants, clearly woken up by these guys. I wave at her with a smile, but I still remain silent

"Hi, I woke you up to tell you that today you'll have a new friend. Make her last day a great one. Or don't; we really don't care." As sweet as always, his looks got wasted on a scumbag. She looks at him, not understanding, but as she thought about it, she put on a sweet smile, got close, and led me silently towards a room.

"Hola mi amor, how 's-oh?" A brunette girl is lying in bed, situated in the middle of the room. The whole room looks like a Renaissance painting, with baby pink and white dominating the rest of the present colors.

Returning to the girl, she had full lips and a formless body covered by a big gray shirt. She must have slept with her mascara on, because she had black spots under her eyes that made her seem like a panda.

"Good morning to you too, dear; we've got a friend for 24 hours hasta que su cabeza cuelgue del techo." The brunette nods in understanding and sits at the side of the bed, extending a hand to me.

"Hi, my name's Luna. Nice to meet you." I take her hand and introduce myself too, and from there I sit myself on the carpet. "Today my sisters are coming too; we're all going to hang out." Her girlfriend doesn't seem so pleased by the announcement

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 by A.P.MaryWhere stories live. Discover now