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Her eyes are closed,  hair fluttering in the wind with the window rolled all the way down. Outside, the dark has taken the place of the sun, and the street lights are the only source of light. When I drive into a tunnel, the strong light causes her to awaken from her trance. I'm tempted to take out my narcoleptic tissues, but something is stopping me.

The air is frigid, and my jacket on her shoulders appears to be enough to make her keep the window down. "How much do we have until we arrive? My eyes are ready to fall, my phone has zero signal, and I think my friends probably already put posters with my face around the town." She closes the window, and a heavy perfume dances under my nose. She scrolls through her phone, pressing her nails harder and harder on the screen hoping that the reload button will start working. A chill crawls on my back as the cold wind blows on my bare arms, and my head starts hurting from the loud music.

My hair starts going in all the possible directions, and I'm honestly rethinking all my life choices, until someone grabs my right hand and raises it in the air as Rihanna murders my ears. I imagine her cheerful face soon to spit blood, and her voice will finally shut down. I start smiling, and she mimics me. She has no Idea.

I park right in front of a house, different from the one I left her before. She might be naive but not dumb. Not until now.

 "Thank you for today, by the way," she says as she gives me back the jacket in front of her porch. "You're coming to the festival then, right?" Her hand is very red, probably as cold as ice since she kept it outside the car window during the whole trip, and her cheeks distinguish themselves from the pale tone with a light red.

"You'll see, but you better keep an eye open in case I want to snap your head."

She laughs, and I smile "And why would you want to do that exactly?" I feel a rush of excitement, and my heart beats faster as I imagine her in my hands. The thought of having her all to myself fills me with desire, and I can barely contain It.

"Maybe because you stole my jacket and kept the window open all the time? Thank whoever you pray to that I make it to the event without a severe flu." I see her eyes soften, and goosebumps get their way on my skin.

"Okay then, you should be careful too; I'm not as stupid as you think I am." You would be surprised. I smile and wave goodbye as I distance myself from her, going back to my car. The engine roars, and On my way home, I think about whatever happened today. I should have taken her, maybe. But I'm not running out of time.


I enter the house to see my brothers around the dinner table with expressions that could kill. hands gripping their hair, and eyes red from lack of sleep and probably from some fun pills. Their heads turn to me, and if sights could murder, I would be mutilated.

"Care to explain where you were in the past hours while we were killing each other?" Iuliano is the first one talking , biting the insides of his cheeks just to not start screaming at me "I was—what are you talking about?"

"Are you blind, perhaps? Don't you see our situation ? "We are not making any progress, and you're just going out as always, always having fun, while we strangle our brain to get out of this state where every move is like floating in a black hole" I respect my own patience, Other times I would go and beat the shit out of them all.

"I was about to tell you that pretty eyes just invited us to their local festival, but if you're busy spitting bullshit on my name, then I'll just leave." I put my jacket on the rack and throw my shoes away, going for the first steps of the stairs. I hear Emanuele screaming from downstairs. I refrain myself from not laughing.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 by A.P.MaryWhere stories live. Discover now