009: The Crash And Burn

Start from the beginning

Summer slowly wakes up and feels someone holding her hand. She turns to her side to see Ricky.
"Ricky?" She says groggily.
"Summer." Ricky says sighing in relief grabbing her hand tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay. You scared the hell out of me. You scared the hell out of all of us."
"I'm sorry." Summer says as they pull apart.
"Summer, you have to tell us what's going on. It's starting to get really worrying." Ricky tells her.
"What are you talking about?" She asks.
"Summer, you never take your jumper off, mine and Nini's parents are your emergency contacts instead of your own, you blacked out at school, the doctors found high traces of alcohol and drugs in your system and they had to pump your stomach, the doctors found loads of bruises all over your body. Sum, please tell me what's going on." Ricky says sounding absolutely distraught. "Please."
"I really can't talk about it, Ricky. I really can't." Summer says.
"Summer, you have to. This is starting to get really serious." Ricky tells her.
"Ricky, can you just drop it, please!" Summer shouts.
"No, Summer, I'm not going to drop it! You're my best friend and I hate seeing you like this, I can't stand it!" Ricky replies raising his voice but not shouting.
"Ricky, please!" Summer says as tears come to her eyes causing her to cover her face with her hands.
Ricky shakes his head running a hand through his hair as tears also come to his eyes. He hated seeing his best friend like this. It didn't feel right at all, he just wish she would tell him what was going on.


Summer had been realised after a few hours, she told everyone her parents were out of town so Nini's mom's offered to let her stay with them, she was a bit unsure at first not want to leave Ellie but Nini's mom's said she could stay as well. Ricky went back to Big Red's with him, Kourtney went back home while Summer, Nini and Nini's mom's went to her house to pick up Ellie. Summer went in alone and got her.
"Summy there you are. Where have you been?" Ellie asks.
"I just had something to deal with." Summer answer. "As mom and dad are out I need you to pack a bag as we are going to be going to stay with one of my friends."
"Okay." Ellie says before grabbing a backpack.
Summer goes into her room to pack a bag, before meeting Ellie in the hallway and walking out to Nini's car.
"Ellie this is Nini and her mom's, guys this is my little sister Ellie." Summer says.
"Nice to meet you Ellie." Nini says as the Jones sisters get inthe back of the car.
"Nice to meet you too." Ellie replies with a smile as Nini's mom starts the car.
"Girls, how does pizza sound for dinner. We can order in get it delivered." Nini's mom suggests.
"Sounds great." The three girls in the back says.
Ellie laid her head on Summer's shoulder slowly falling asleep.


"Hey, foods here." Nini says walking into the guest room where Summer was staying.
"I'll be there in a minute." Summer says.
"You okay?" Nini asks sitting down on the bed next to her.
"No." Summer says shaking her head before putting her head into her hands. "I don't know what I was thinking. I let Landon and Delilah peer pressure me into drinking all that alcohol and doing all those drugs, and look where I ended up. I can't believe I could be so stupid. I can't believe I let myself nearly leave Ellie. I nearly left her alone with our..."
"With you're what?" Nini asks.
"Nothing, nothing." Summer says quickly. "Uhm, you go on downstairs, I'll be there in a minute."
Nini slowly nods before grabbing Summer's hand, giving it a quick squeeze before leaving.


Ricky had tried to fall asleep at Big Red's but couldn't with all the noise going on. He decided to go over to Nini's to check on Summer. He was skateboarding over when he passed by the restaurant. He stopped when he saw something he kind of expected but still couldn't believe. Landon was sat in a window booth with Delilah and they were holding hands. Ricky pulls his phone out taking a picture just as they kissed. He shook his head before getting back on his skateboard finishing the way to Nini's house.

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