favor (ch.22)

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Genya POV

I was a bit upset when mui just told me that he was busy and stuff, I knew he didn't like me like that..or maybe he's actually busy. But if he had a boyfriend or someone else, ginko would be pissed. So would Shinobu too. And he would tell me, right? I stood in front of his door for a few more minutes before I finally walked off. I was genuinely confused, also concerned. I hope he's okay, he just had a mission I think, that's what I heard from ginko and my crow at least. I walked back into my house.

"Genya you good?" Nemi asked as he was washing dishes. "Mhm" I hummed faking a smile. "No you aren't" he sighed. "I am, really." I said again. I tried giving him a reassuring smile but he just turned off the sink and wiped his hands off. He was on the other side of the counter. "What's wrong?" He asked, trying to hide that he was concerned. "Nothing" I replied again. "Gen, tell me" he said sternly. "I'm fine I really am I promise" I said. He sighed. "Why do you care suddenly?" I mumbled looking down as I started picking at my nails. He looked up at me. He opened his mouth to say something but he knew I was right. Why does he care suddenly? Really though. A knock came from the door. Sanemi quickly left to go answer it. I walked off to my room. Suddenly, Sanemi stopped me. "Genya, come here!" He yelled, the concern in his voice already gone. I sighed and walked back into the kitchen. Shinobu again? "Do you know if Muichiro is hiding anything? He isn't letting me come in and I have to check everyone for anything dangerous or anything like that, recently, another Demon Slayer was found with something very dangerous and she almost used it for bad." Shinobu said. I shrugged. "I asked him the same thing, if he was hiding something, I know he is, he can't lie to me. But he won't let me in" I sighed as I started picking at my nails again. "Okay...thank you! Well.. actually- can you do a favor for me?" Shinobu asked pausing for a moment and looking at me. I shrugged. "I guess, what is it?" I asked. "Well, can you maybe, tell Muichiro something that'll let you in? Or anything like that? And just tell me If he's hiding anything" Shinobu said. I couldn't do this. "Please?" She asked. "I don't know." I mumbled. I really wanted to see mui but I don't wanna lie. "Genya, what if he is hiding something bad?" Sanemi said. I shrugged. "He wouldn't do that" I said. "Do you know that for certain?" Sanemi said. I shrugged.. "just this one, can you help?" Sanemi said. "Fine" I mumbled. Shinobu smiled more softly. "Great, can you try tomorrow? In the morning, you have a mission but I'll get Mitsuri to cover for you, she hasn't had a mission in a little bit" Shinobu smiled. I nodded. "Great!" She walked out.

I walked back to my room. I know I'm gonna regret this later on.. what if he finds out?

<Next day>


I sighed as I sat up. Sanemi reminded me of the favour I had to do for Shinobu. I yawned. I got up and got dressed, I walked out my room and saw Sanemi and Giyuu in the kitchen. "Are you heading out now?" Sanemi asked. I nodded. It was starting to get more normal to see Giyuu at our house, it was werid because the only people that know about them are mui Shinobu and I. No one else I think, maybe rengoku does. I don't know. I slipped on shoes and walked out. I showed up at Muichiro's house quickly and knocked on his door. I hope he answers. I sighed. I can't lie to him. I really can't and don't want to. He answered quickly. "Oh genya-" "I know your busy. Or something but Muichiro please-" "genya I really am busy." He said stern. I sighed. I put my hands on his shoulders, looking him dead in the eyes. I ignored the blush on my face and continued. "I can't lie to you- I really can't bring myself to but Shinobu thinks your hiding something bad and she asked me to find out if you are, so please just tell me what your hiding." I said quickly closing my eyes halfway through and opening them at the end of my sentence. He just looked at me. He sighed. "I'm not hiding anything dangerous, if anything, he's the least dangerous 'thing' anyone could have." He said looking at me again and grabbed my hands just holding them now. I blushed more. "He?" I mumbled. He dragged me in his house and shut the door, "do you know that kid?- the uhm..super loud one that has one of those mask?" He asked. I nodded. "I think" "well- I had a mission and his parents died to the demon I fought, he didn't have anywhere to go so hes here." Muichiro sighed looking down.. "he is?!" I said loudly. Muichiro covered my mouth, somehow? He's shorter then me by alot. I blushed more. "He's sleeping, be quiet" he mumbled. I nodded. Muichiro moved his hands. "So, that's all?" I mumbled. He nodded. "And we aren't allowed to have anyone over that isn't Demon Slayers.." he said, "I know Shinobu would get mad at me" he mumbled. "Please just tell her that I'm not hiding anything and that uhm..just, figure something out?" Muichiro mumbled looking at me. I blushed more. Lord he's so cute I can't. I looked away. "Mhm" I hummed. ".. oka-" "mui?" The kid yawned coming out of his room. I think that was the kid I don't know he didn't have his mask or anything. I just looked at him, mui turned around and did the same. "Oh- oh it's you!" The kid said and ran up to me, "why didn't you ever tell him to come back?" He mumbled frowning. "What?- oh- it never came to mind" I mumbled looking at him then Muichiro. He smiled slightly. I blushed as I looked at him. The kid gave me a werid look then looked at me then him. He paused and then he smirked for a moment. "Can I ask you something? Privately?" He asked me. I nodded slowly as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a hallway. "Do you like him?" He asked. I covered his mouth, "shut up" I mumbled. "you do?!" He said loudly, but muffled. I nodded. "Don't tell him." I mumbled. He nodded. I moved my hands. He smiled and ran off. I sighed and followed behind. "genya?" Muichiro asked. I looked at him, "can I tell you something now?" He asked. I nodded. "Kotetsu, can you go back in there?" Muichiro asked. He nodded and ran off.

Muichiro dragged me over to his couch and we sat down. "Okay I know this is gonna sound super werid probably, but I see him as like a son almost or something..I really don't want him to go to a different family or something. His family is gone, I wanna be his new family but I know Shinobu would be pissed at me.." he mumbled "this doesn't sound werid, I get you just want him to be happy and stuff" I smiled. I thought he blushed or something for a moment but I ignored it. "You don't think it's werid?" He asked, I shrugged. "Not really.. can I help you with him as well?-" I asked smiling more. He nodded. "Can you try talking to Shinobu about it to maybe?" He asked. "Mhm!" I hummed. "Okay! Well, you should probably get going" Muichiro smiled softly. I blushed more and nodded. He got up with me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you" he mumbled. I nodded and hugged him back. "alright, bye" I smiled at him again as he let go. "Bye" he said as I waved, he waved back and I left.

Words: 1366

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