In school (ch.2)

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Yuichiro POV:

Senjuro and I watched as Genya ran up to us, holding a piece of watermelon, for some reason. Genya looked at me, then where Muichiro would be standing. By me. He looked disappointed almost, or upset. "Where's Mui?" He asked, I could tell he was concerned. "Why does it matter?" I said kinda lashing out. "Because I was worried.." genya mumbled looking down kinda, and took a bite of his watermelon. "K well, He has tutoring." I replied calming down slightly. "Ok, can we not scream at eachother this early in the morning?" Senjuro asked sighing as he did a few hand motions looking at me then genya. "Sorry." Genya replied blankly. "It's fine!" Senjuro smiled brightly at Genya, he knew how genya was anyways.. genya nodded. "Okay...can we go In now? It's freezing." I said breaking the silence. "Mhm, it is!" Genya hummed as he threw the green part of the watermelon in a nearby trashcan. Senjuro walked in, leaving the door open for genya and I. Genya slightly tripped and I caught his back. I swore I could see some pink on his face as he got back up.. I shrugged off. Senjuro gave me a look, kinda smirking slightly... I glared at him as Genya continued ranting about his older brother, the math teacher. We came up to Senjuro's locker since it was the first one we came across, he quickly grabbed his stuff putting it in his bag as he talked about his older brother as well..the history teacher. I didn't have any siblings besides Muichiro. He didn't talk much..or have any friends besides Senjuro and I. I was zoned out as I was looking around the halls, I saw Tanjiro. He was talking to Muichiro, for some reason? I mean, Tanjiro is very nice to alot of maybe he just saw him and decided to introduce himself? I don't know. I saw Tanjiro look around for a moment after Muichiro said something, he looked surprised slightly. He turned around as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Yui?" I heard Senjuro say, "hm?" I hummed calmly as I turned my attention to Senjuro. "Oh- well, Genya said your name a few times and you didn't respond." Senjuro said, "oh yeah..uhm..what?" I mumbled looking at Genya. "Oh- I was just..n-nothing." Genya mumbled looking down. We sat like this for a few seconds before I heard Tanjiro call out to me. "Yuichiro! You never told me you had a twin!" Tanjiro smiled as Muichiro sighed following close behind him. "Oh..I don't find a need to tell you I have a twin, we don't talk much, we aren't close." I replied blankly as I glared at Muichiro, he was looking down as soon as he saw me glaring at him. I shifted my attention back to Tanjiro. "Oh! Well, my apologies. I was just a bit surprised since he's not in our year and your the top of our grade!" Tanjiro replied keeping his smile. I could tell he was getting a bit frustrated but he hid it well. "Mhm." I hummed. "Will you leave him alone now? It's obvious he doesn't want to continue this conversation." I sighed grabbing Muichiro's wrist and pulled him next to me. Muichiro looked at Senjuro and then back at the ground. "Oh.. sorry. Again, I must get going anyways." Tanjiro said smiling still and walked off before I could reply. Like I was going to anyway.. Muichiro let out relived sigh as he looked at me. I glared at him. He looked away as I let go of his wrist and turned. "Can we leave now?" I asked. Genya nodded quickly and started following behind as we were going to my locker next. We quickly got there and I listened to Senjuro and Muichiro's conversation, Senjuro was asking how his tutoring was. I grabbed my books stuffing them in my bag and Muichiro had already started walking with Senjuro to his, it was just a few lockers away anyway. Genya looked at me for a moment before he started walking in a different direction, I stood for a moment before I decided to follow my brother and his friend, I became a little close to Senjuro but Genya was always my first friend.. I listened to what they had to say as I watched Genya Walk off, he was looking down. He was upset, I could tell. We have been spacing away from eachother for a while now, I can't tell why..I can't tell if I'm the problem...but he's seemed to wanna get closer with me as well.. Senjuro noticed as well it seemed. I just kept shrugging it off and dreading every time he talked to me or even looked at me. Muichiro touched my shoulder, I looked at him. "Did Genya walk off already?" He asked, "why do you care?" I mumbled.. "oh- I was just wondering" Muichiro mumbled back. "Yes he already walked off." I said as I pointed to where he was at. "..we should head to class now, mui" Senjuro said. "Oh- yeah" Muichiro said. I nodded. "Bye then, see you at lunch" I said and walked off to Genya, pushing past a few people. He was just staring into his locker. I slammed the door, causing him to jump. "Grab your books we are going to be late." I replied blankly. He nodded slowly opening his locker again and shoved the books he needed into his bag and closed his locker as the early bell rang.

Words: 936

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