WHY (CH.19)

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  When Genya ran out the door, I slammed it shut and ran to my room. I started to cry. But my tears just turned to anger. " WHY DID I WAIST MY TIME ON HIM?!?!" I kept crying. I fell asleep at 5:30 am.
When I woke up, I blocked his number... I blocked all the hasiras to...and the 3 brats. I locked my doors, closed my curtains and cried, and cried. "I told you he is no good." Ginko told me in a morning voice all raspy and stuff. "Just go away, ginko." I kicked her out of my room.
It has been three days... and I haven't come out of my room. I haven't eaten in three days... and I haven't gone to any hasira meetings in three days. I had no motivation to get out of bed. "I got played... he is so STUPIED!" I continued to talk to myself. My mental and physical health are at the lowest they have been since my brother died. Now I see why Yui didn't like genya he is a faker.
        <<with ginko>>
"SHINOBOU SHINOBOU"    ginko yelled at the hashiras. "Yes ginko" Shinobu replied to the bird with a annoyed look. "Its...mui...he isn't doing well." Ginko tried her best to hold back tears but a couple fell. "Oh why is that?" Her face was no longer annoyed it was now filled with confusion and concern. "Well check your phone all of you." She then went to explanation about what happened. "SO he blocked all of us because of genya?" Shinobou asked the bird. "Yes, and he hasn't came out his room in 3 days." The bird said with an object frown. "This is bad" a pink and green haired girl said. "Well obviously" said a white haired boy with a lot of scars. "Well we need to handle this." Shinobou said in a calm manner.
       <<AT the mist estate>>
I heard a knock on my door. "Muichiro it's Himajima I would like to talk to you." Himajima said in a voice full of sorrow. "GO AWAY YOU BLIND BLITCH!" I yelled out at him. I didn't feel like talking... especially to him. "HEY be kind to your elders." Tengen said while laughing. I could here the smack he got from Shinobou. "ALL OF YOU GO AWAY BRFORE I COME OUT THERE AND CHOP ALL OF YOUR HEADS OF YOU BITCHS!!" I. Want. Them. Out. Of. My. House. NOW. I could here the door open and close I think they left. I cried even more. I couldn't stop thinking of genya.

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